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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : リョウ; あさる; fish
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2684 Index in Halpern dictionary: 698
Japanese Reading English
しゅつぎょき fishing season/
しゅつぎょけんfishing rights/
い漁るかいあさる (v5r) to spend money freely/
にゅうぎょ (n) fishing in restricted waters/
たいりょう (n) big catch/
ていちぎょぎょう fixed-net fishing/
ほくようぎょぎょう northern-sea fisheries/
しゅつぎょくいきfishing area/
ふりょう(n) poor catch/
ほうりょう (n) good catch/good haul/(P)/
きんりょう (n) prohibition of fishing/
きんかいぎょぎょう inshore fishing industry/
みつりょう (n) poaching (fish or seafood)/
きゅうりょう (n) suspension of fishing/
い漁おきあいぎょぎょう offshore fishing industry/
きんりょうく(n) game preserve/wildlife sanctuary/
き溜めを漁るはきだめを あさる(exp) to rummage a dustbin/to pick a garbage dump/
えんようぎょぎょうdeep-sea fisheries/
沿えんがんぎょぎょう coastal fishing/
にゅうぎょけん(n) fishing-lot rights/
のうぎょみんthe fishing and agrarian populace/
にゅうぎょしゃfishing-lot fisherman/
しゅつりょう (n) going fishing/
はんのうはんぎょ (n) half-agricultural and half-fishing (village or economy)/
あみぎょぎょう (n) net fishing/
にゅうぎょりょう(n) fishing-lot charge/
きんりょうき(n) closed season for fishing or hunting/
しんかいぎょぎょう deep-sea fishery/
鮭漁さけりょうsalmon fishing/
しゅつぎょ (n) going fishing/
はえなわりょうlongline fishing/