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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ジュン; うるお(う)、うるお(す)、うる(む); wet
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2700 Index in Halpern dictionary: 742
Japanese Reading English
りじゅん(n) profit/returns/(P)/
てきせいりじゅん reasonable profit/
喉を潤すのどをうるおす(exp) to appease one's thirst/
湿しつじゅん (adj-na,adj-no,n) dampness/
はいしんじゅん(n) pulmonary infiltration/infiltration of the lungs/
りじゅんついきゅう(n) pursuit of profits/profit-seeking/
しんじゅん (n) infiltration/permeation/(P)/
ほうじゅん (adj-na,n) rich and prosperous/luxurious/abundant/
りじゅんりつ (n) rate of profit/