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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : チョウ; す(む)、す(ます); be clear
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2699 Index in Halpern dictionary: 740
Japanese Reading English
を澄ますみみをすます(v5) to listen carefully/to strain one's ears/
に澄ますおつにすます(exp) to pose affectedly serene/
みずすまし (n) whirligig beetle/
澄みうわずみ (n) the clear top of a liquid/
澄ましおすまし (adj-na,n) a prim and proper girl/
めいちょう (adj-na,n) lucidity/
せいちょう (adj-na,n) clear/serene/(P)/
き澄ますききすます (v5s) to listen attentively/
狙い澄ますねらいすます(v5s) to take careful aim/
り澄ますとりすます (v5s) to look unconcerned/to assume a composed look/
ぎ澄ますとぎすます(v5s) to sharpen/to grind/to whet/to hone/to make keen/
澄ますみすます(v5s) to observe carefully/to make sure/