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Kanji: Radical: () : テン; ; point
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 804 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2084
Japanese Reading English
げんかいてん coordinating point/
さいてんひょう(n) list of marks/
がてん (n,vs) consent/assent/understanding/agreement/comprehension/grasp/(P)/
よてん point given (math)/
じゅうてん (n) important point/lay stress on/colon/emphasis/(P)/
きょくてん(n) pole (north, south)/climax/extreme (point)/
ていてんかんそくfixed point observation/
ぎょうこてん(n) freezing point/
いんかてん(n) flash point/flashing point/
おことてん (n) marks to aid in reading Chinese classics/
ちゃくりくちてんlanding zone/point of landing/
ちゃくがんてん(n) a viewpoint/
つうてん (n) pain point/
びてん (n) virtue/charm/merit/good point/(P)/
だきょうてん (n) find) common (meeting) ground/
はやがってん(n,vs) jumping to a hasty conclusion/
を点けるでんとうをつける(exp) to turn (switch) on an electric lamp/
ちゃっかてん(n) ignition point/
まんてん (n) perfect score/
さようてん(n) point of action (e.g. of a lever)/
あっつうてんpressure point/
点睛がりょうてんせい(n) finishing touch/completing (something) by executing the final, critical step/
なんてん(exp) what score or grade?/
ちゅうてん (n) middle point/median point/
ぜんろんてんthe whole point/
げんてん (n) origin (coordinates)/starting point/(P)/
なんてん(n) fault/weakness/(P)/
いちてんきa turning point/
してん (n) opinion/point of view/visual point/(P)/
こうさてん interchange
ぶんきてん(n) junction/crossroads/division point/parting of ways/(P)/
じゃくてん(n) weak point/weakness/(P)/
せいちょうてん(n) point of growth/
点をげるせんしゅてんをあげ る(exp) to score the first point/
にてんせんしゅ (vs) taking (score) the first two points of the game/
さいこうてん (n) highest score or grade or number of points/
とくてんけん (n) scoring position, with runners on second and-or third base (baseball)/
だんちゃくてん (n) point of impact/
点にきょてんにおく(v5) to be based in (a place)/
げしてん(n) summer solstice/
きょてん (n) (mil) position/base/point/(P)/
しゅうてん the last stop
きんちてん(n) perigee/
げんじてん (n) the present point (i.e. in history)/
まんてん(n) perfect score/(P)/
ほうわてんthe saturation point/
がってん (n,vs) consent/assent/understanding/agreement/comprehension/grasp/
せってん (n) node/
きてん (n) starting point/(P)/
しゅてん(n) red mark/
そうじてん (n) point of likeness (between)/resemblance/similarity/
ぜんぽうさいほきゅうてんforward arming and refueling point/
点ががてんがいく(v5k-s) to understand/to make out/
しつてんけいsystem of particles/
レ点レてん(n) mark showing character order in Chinese texts/tick mark/
こくてんしゅうきsunspot cycle/
かのひょうてん grade C/Passable/
せってん (n) tangent point/single bit IO point/(electrical) contact/
こうてん(n) high score/
ふどうしょうすうてんえんざんきこう floating-point arithmetic unit (computer)/
いってん(n) speck/dot/point/only a little/particle/only one/
ろてん(n) dew point/
あんてん(n) scotoma/scotomatous/
ぼうてん (n) (1) marks or dots used to emphasize text passage/(2) marks to facilitate reading of kanbun/
ゆうてん (n) fusion point/melting point/
旁点ぼうてん(n) (1) marks or dots used to emphasize text passage/(2) marks to facilitate reading of kanbun/
がんてん (n) eyespot/
ふどうしょうすうてんfloating point/
くとうてん(n) punctuation marks/(P)/
さいてん (n,vs) marking/grading/looking over/(P)/
しょうすうてん (n) decimal point/(P)/
かんそくちてん (n) observation point (site)/
おんてん (n) heat spot/
じゅうてんしゅぎ priority system/
こういってん(n) the lone woman (e.g., bright flower) in a group/
じせきてん (n) (in baseball) an earned run/
ひょうてんか(n) below freezing/(P)/
きてん (n) datum point/cardinal point/reference point/
ようてん(n) gist/main point/(P)/
ごうかくてん(n) passing mark/qualifying marks (score)/
こうさてん(n) crossing/intersection/(P)/
へいきんてん(n) average mark/mean point/
しゅっぱつてん(n) starting point/point of departure/(P)/
えんちてん(n) distant place/remote point/
こうしてん(n) lattice point/
しゅうてん (n) terminus/last stop (e.g train)/(P)/
しゅがんてん main point/
してん (n) fulcrum/
なんきょくてん(n) the South Pole/
いっちてんpoint of agreement/
ひょうてん(n) (examination) comments and marks/rating/
もんだいてん (n) the point at issue/
かんてん viewpoint/
れいてん (n) zero/no marks/(P)/
こうてん (n) a luminous point/
ろんてん (n) point in question (at issue)/
おてん (n) stain/blot/flaw/disgrace/(P)/
し点おりかえしてんturning back or turnaround point (in a race)/
はやがてん (n,vs) jumping to a hasty conclusion/
えんじつてん (n) aphelion/
あってん (n) pressure point/
ふっとうてん(n) boiling point/(P)/
きかんふのうげんかいてんthe point of no return/
けっしょうてん(n) winning point (goal)/finishing line/
だくてん(n) voiced consonant marks (nigori)/
しょうてん (n) focus/point/(P)/
じてん (n) runner-up/
とくいてん (n) singular point/
点だけにぎろんをようてんだけにしぼる(exp) to narrow an argument down/
けってん (n) faults/defect/weakness/(P)/
かんかくてんsense point/
点がってもいくらけってんがあってもwith all one's faults/
しゅんぶんてん(n) the vernal equinox (the equinoctal point)/
龍点睛がりょうてんせい(n) finishing touch/completing (something) by executing the final, critical step/
りっきゃくてん (n) standpoint/
ひゃくてんhundred points/perfect mark/
点てのだて open-air tea ceremony/
きゅうだいてんpassing mark/(P)/
きょうつうてん(n) common feature/
じてん (n) point in time/occasion/
そんえきぶんきてんthe break-even point/
さいてんしゃ(n) marker/
ちゅうしんてん (n) center/
ぶんてん (n) equinox/fork/junction/
とうてん (n) comma/
叉点こうさてん (n) crossing/intersection/
の点もんだいのてんpoint in dispute/
きんじつてん(n) perihelion/
きじゅんてん(n) point of reference/reference point/
どうてんけっしょう (n) play-off/
にじゅうしょうてん bifocal/
ゆうかいてん(n) melting point/
りきてん (n) leverage/emphasis/importance/
点をえるかんてんをかえる(exp) to change one's point of view/
ちてん (n) site/point on a map/(P)/
けんてん (n) circle (for emphasis)/
斑点はんてん(n) speck/fleck/(P)/
そうてん (n) point at issue/(P)/
ぎてん (n) doubtful point/
ちょうえつてんpassage point/
かいりょうてん point(s) for improvement/
こくてん (n) black spot/dark spot/sunspot/
とくてん (n) score/points made/marks obtained/runs/(P)/
もうてん(n) blind spot/(P)/
かんてん (n) point of view/
しょうてんきょり (n) focal length (distance)/
点とするきょてんとする (vs) to be based in (a place)/
りてん (n) advantage/point in favor/
めんぜいてん(n) tax exemption limit/
くてん (n) Japanese character set row and column index ('separator' encoding)/
庵点いおりてん(n) symbol indicating the following words are taken from a song or that the person saying the words is singing/
せんしゅとくてんfirst runs scored/
してん (n) dead point/
どうてん (n) deadlock/tie/draw/
ふってん (n) boiling point/(P)/
へんきょくてんinflection point/
そうてん (n) sum total of one's marks/total points or score/
じてんしゃ runner-up/
り点かえりてん (n) marks indicating the Japanese meaning of the texts of Chinese classics/
だてん(n) runs batted in/RBI/
点をまんてんをとる(exp) to get full marks/
しゅようてん(n) main point/keynote/
臥龍点睛がりょうてんせい(n) finishing touch/completing (something) by executing the final, critical step/
が点にめがてんになる (v5) to be stunned and utterly surprised (at something)/
かんてん(n) cold points (of the skin)/
しょうすうてんdecimal point/
いってんばり (n) persistence/
しょうてんしんど (n) depth of focus/
しってん (n) run charged to the pitcher/
じゃくてん weak point, weakness
さんじゅうしょうてん trifocal/
ゼロゼロちてんground zero/
ふくしゃてんradiant point/
はんだくてん (n) maru mark/semivoiced sound/p-sound/
しょうしつてん vanishing point/
くんてん (n) punctuation marks/guiding marks for rendering Chinese into Japanese/
ひとりがってん (n) rash assumption/hasty conclusion/
ひょうてん(n) freezing point/(P)/
ていてん (n) fixed point/
らくだいてんfailing grade/
くてん(n) period/full stop/
りんかいてんcritical point (temperature)/
はっかてん(n) point of ignition/flash point/
灸点きゅうてん(n) moxa-treatment points/
点においてはげんじてん においてはat the present time/at present/
そういてん (points of) difference/
ちょうてん (n) top/summit/(P)/
かてん (n,vs) addition of points/scoring/
り点にごりてん voiced consonant marks/(P)/
げんてん (n,vs) subtract/give a demerit/(P)/
さいじゅうてん very important point/
こうてん (n) point of intersection/
しつてん (n) partical/material point/
むとくてん(n) scoreless (game or competition)/
さんかくてん(n) triangulation point/
ひてん (n) correction marks/
ばってん (n) cross mark/demerit mark/an X/(P)/
点し頃ひともしごろ(n) early evening/dusk/
るいじてんpoints of similarity/
ひとりがてん(n) rash assumption/hasty conclusion/
点にれるようてんにふれる(exp) to come to (touch on) the point/
ちゅういてん(n) important point/point to make note of/