岳父 | がくふ | (n) father-in-law/(P)/ |
曾祖父 | ひじじ | (n) great-grandfather/ |
伯父 | おじ
| (n) (hum) uncle (older than one's
parent)/(P)/ |
乃父 | だいふ | (n)
father/ |
大叔父 | おおおじ
| (n) granduncle/ |
神父 | しんぷ
| (n) Catholic priest/abbe/(P)/ |
叔父さん | おじさん
| (n) (hon) (uk) middle-aged
gentleman/uncle/(P)/ |
天父 | てんぷ | Heavenly Father/ |
御父さん | おとうさん
| (n) (hon) father/ |
義父 | ぎふ
| (n) father-in-law/foster
father/stepfather/(P)/ |
家父長制 | かふちょうせい | (n) patriarchal authority/ |
尊父 | そんぷ
| (n) your father/ |
伯父貴 | おじき | (n) uncle/ |
高祖父 | こうそふ
| (n) great-great-grandfather/ |
異父 | いふ
| (n) different father/ |
代父 | だいふ
| godfather/ |
叔父 | しゅくふ
| (n) uncle (younger than one's
parent)/(P)/ |
祖父 | そふ | (n) grandfather/(P)/ |
亡父 | ぼうふ
| (n) my deceased father/my late
father/(P)/ |
老父 | ろうふ | (n) old father/ |
大祖父 | だいそふ | great-grandfather/ |
曾祖父 | そうそふ | (n) great-grandfather/ |
養父母 | ようふぼ | (n) adoptive parents/ |
先父 | せんぷ
| (n) deceased father/ |
大伯父 | おおおじ | (n) granduncle/ |
亡祖父 | ぼうそふ | deceased (one's late) grandfather/ |
御祖父さん | おじいさん | (n) grandfather/male senior-citizen/ |
祖父母 | そふぼ | (n) grandparents/ |
小父さん | おじさん
| (n) (hon) (uk) middle-aged
gentleman/uncle/(P)/ |
伯父さん | おじさん | (n) (hon) (uk) middle-aged
gentleman/uncle/(P)/ |
地震雷火事親父 | じしんかみなりかじお
やじ | (n) earthquakes, thunder, fires, fathers
(this proverb compares the traditional Japanese father with other things which
are generally feared)/ |
曾祖父 | ひいじじ | (n) great-grandfather/ |
お祖父さん | おじいさん | (n) grandfather/male senior-citizen/(P)/ |
厳父 | げんぷ
| (n) your honored father/ |
曾祖父 | ひおうじ | (n) great-grandfather/ |
同父母 | どうふぼ | (n) the same parents/ |
お父さん | おとうさん | father (someone else's) |
養父 | ようふ
| (n) foster father/adoptive father/ |
継父 | ままちち
| (n) stepfather/ |
お父さん | おとうさん | (n) (hon) father/(P)/ |
教父 | きょうふ
| (n) godfather/ |
叔父 | おじ
| (n) uncle (younger than one's
parent)/(P)/ |
慈父 | じふ | (n) affectionate father/ |
師父 | しふ
| (n) fatherly master/ |
家父 | かふ
| (n) one's father/ |
原子物理学の父 | げんしぶつりがくの
ちち | father of atomic physics/ |
実父 | じっぷ
| (n) real (own) father/ |
雷親父 | かみなりおやじ | (n) snarling old man/irascible old man/ |
親父 | おやじ
| (gikun) (n) one's father/old man/one's
boss/ |
弟小父 | おとおじ
| parent's younger brother/uncle/ |
継父 | けいふ
| (n) stepfather/ |
伯父 | はくふ
| (n) (hum) uncle (older than one's
parent)/ |
狸親父 | たぬきおやじ | (n) sly (cunning) old man/ |
外祖父 | がいそふ | (n) maternal grandfather/ |
国父 | こくふ
| (n) father of one's country/ |