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Kanji: Radical: (いぬ) : ハン; おか(す); offense
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2869 Index in Halpern dictionary: 196
Japanese Reading English
けいじはん (n) criminal offense/
まやくはんざい drug-related crime/
きょうはん (n) complicity/(P)/
せいじはん(n) political offense/political offender/
るいはんしゃrepeat offender/
ちのうはん(n) intellectual criminal/
かしつはん(n) careless offense/
ゆかいはん(n) criminal who takes delight in people's reaction to his crimes/
かんぜんはんざい(n) perfect crime/
しゅはん (n) principal offence/principal offender/
ごうりきはん (n) violent crime/
じゅうぼん (n) felony/felon/old offender/
せいはん (n) principal offense/principal offender/
とうはん(n) burglary/larceny/
ゆうかいはんにん a kidnapper/an abductor/
ふさくいはん (n) crime of omission/
せんそうはんざいほうて いwar crimes tribunal/
げんこうはん(n) flagrante delicto/caught red-handed/
しんはんにん(n) the real criminal/
いはんこうい violation/offense/
さつじんはん(n) murderer/
きょうあくはんざいatrocious crime/
かんぱん (n,vs) infringement/violation/
せんそうはんざいにん(n) war criminal/
いはん (n) violation (of law)/transgression/infringement/breach/
こくじはん(n) political offence/
い犯かるいはんざいminor offense/
しそうはん (n) white collar crime/
しょうねんはんざい juvenile delinquency/
じゅうはん (n) felony/felon/old offender/
じはん (n) crime/
ちょうはん (n) felony/felon/old offender/
せっとうはん(n) theft/stealing/larceny/(P)/
犯でげんこうはんでred-handed/in flagrante delicto/(P)/
しんぱん (n) violation/invasion/infringement/
せんそうはんざいwar crime/
を犯すおんなをおかす(exp) to rape a girl/
を犯すきんをおかす (exp) to break the prohibition (law)/to violate the ban/
ふぼん(n) strict observance of the Buddhist commandment that all priests should be celibate/
しょはん(n) first offense/first offender/
さいはんしゃsecond offender/
るいはん (n) repeated offense/
けいはんざい(n) minor offence/
けいはんざいほう (n) Minor Offenses Act/
しゅはんしゃprincipal offender/
せいはんざい(n) sex crime/
ぼうはん(n) prevention of crime/(P)/
しゅけんしんぱん infringement of sovereignty/
じゅうはん (n) accomplice/complicity/
を犯すほうをおかす (exp) to violate the law/
ぐんじはんmilitary offense/
さくいはん(n) crime of commission/
を犯すつみをおかす (exp) to commit a crime/
せいはんしゃprincipal offender/
さいはん (n) second offense/
じょうしゅうはん(n) habitual criminal/recidivism/
せんぱん (n) (abbr) war criminal (from sensou hanzainin)/
ふたいはん accessory offense/