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Kanji: Radical: (いぬ) : ジュウ; けもの; beast
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2909 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1892
Japanese Reading English
らいじゅう(n) (in Chinese mythology) beast which descends from the sky with a thunderbolt/
もうじゅう(n) wild animal/beast of prey/(P)/
ちょうじゅうほごくいき wildlife protection area/(P)/
やじゅうは(n) Fauvism/the Fauvists/
禽獣きんじゅう(n) birds and animals/
いっかくじゅうざ (n) Monoceros (the constellation)/
かいじゅう (n) marine animal/
使もうじゅうづかい(n) wild-animal tamer/
きょじゅう (n) large animal/
ちんじゅう (n) rare (or peculiar) animal/
ちょうじゅう (n) birds and wild animals/wildlife/
にんめんじゅうしん(n) beast in human form/
いっかくじゅう(n) unicorn/
使もうじゅうつかい (n) wild-animal tamer/
れいじゅう (n) sacred beast/
にくしょくじゅう(n) carnivorous animal/
もうじゅうがりbig-game hunting/
じんめんじゅうしん (n) beast in human form/
やじゅう (n) beast/monster/wild animal/(P)/
かいじゅう (n) monster/(P)/
かいじゅうえいが monster film/
獣のひゃくじゅうのおうking of beasts/lion/
ひゃくじゅう (n) all kinds of animals/