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Kanji: Radical: (いぬ) : カク; え(る); hunting animals
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2912 Index in Halpern dictionary: 779
Japanese Reading English
らんかく(n) excessive fishing/overfishing/(P)/
いっかく one grab/
ぎょかくりょう(n) haul (catch) (of fish)/
ほかく (n,vs) capture/seizure/(P)/
を獲るちいをえる(exp) to acquire a position/
がいかかくとく acquisition of foreign currency/
モデルしゅんじかくとく モデルinstantaneous acquisition model/
ぎょかく(n) fishing/catch/haul/(P)/
ぎょかくだかcatch of fish/
いっかっくせんきん(n) getting rich quick/
鹵獲ろかく(n,vs) capture/seizure/plunder/
ぎょかくぶつcatch of fish/
しゅうかく(good) result/game/
いっかくせんきん (n) getting rich quick/
らんかく (n) excessive fishing/overfishing/(P)/