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Kanji: Radical: (たま) : シュ; たま; gem, jewel
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2936 Index in Halpern dictionary: 947
Japanese Reading English
しんじゅそう (n) mother-of-pearl/
胚珠はいしゅ(n) ovule/
しんえんしんじゅcultured pearls/
ぎぼし(n) bridge railing-post knob/stone-leek flower/
しんじゅ(n) pearl/(P)/
ぎぼうし (ok) (n) bridge railing-post knob/stone-leek flower/
ぶたにしんじゅ (exp) does not go well together/cast pearls before swine/
しんじゅようしょくじょ うpearl-oyster beds/
ねんじゅ (n) rosary/
曼珠沙まんじゅしゃげ(n) red spider lily/cluster belladonna/cluster amaryllis/manjusaka/
じゅずいちれんa rosary/a string of beads/
しんじゅわんPearl Harbour/(P)/
しんじゅがい(n) mother of pearl/pearl oyster/
しんじゅこうpearl iridescence/
聯珠れんじゅ(n) gobang/
しんじゅぼ mother-of-pearl/
ほうしゅ (n) gem/jewel/
じゅずだま(n) (botanical) Job's tears/
れんじゅ (n) game involving the linkage of similarly colored beads/
しんじゅかい (n) mother of pearl/pearl oyster/
じゅず (n) (Buddhist) rosary/string of beads/(P)/
じんぞうしんじゅ(n) artificial pearls/
しんじゅとりpearl fishing/pearl diver/
しんじゅようしょく pearl culture/
しんじゅいろpearl gray/
しんじゅざいくpearl work/
じんこうしんじゅartificial pearls/
ようしょくしんじゅ cultivated pearls/
ぎぼうしゅ(ok) (n) bridge railing-post knob/stone-leek flower/