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Kanji: Radical: (かわら) : ビン; ; bottle
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2984 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1344
Japanese Reading English
ちゃびん(n) teapot/
どびん(n) earthenware teapot/
ほにゅうびん(n) baby bottle/
つるべうち(n) fire in rapid succession/a volley of shots/
みずがめざ (n) Aquarius/Water Carrier/
からびん (n) empty bottle/
瓶にかびんにはなをさす (exp) to put flowers in a vase/
かくびん rectangular bottle/
かびん (n) (flower) vase/(P)/
ちゅうびん (n) medium bottle/
撥ねはねつるべ(n) water bucket suspended from a weighted rod/
てつびん(n) iron kettle/(P)/
おおびん (n) large bottle/
かえんびん(n) Molotov cocktail/(P)/
かびん flower vase
としつるべおとし(n) sinking quickly/
こびん (n) small bottle/
ひろくちびん(n) jar/widemouthed bottle/
とくようびんeconomy bottle/
いっしょうびん(n) 1 sho bottle/(P)/
あきびん (n) empty bottle/
まほうびん(n) thermos flask/vacuum flask/(P)/
ビール瓶ビールびんbeer bottle/(P)/
どびんしきtea cloth/teapot mat (rest)/
くすりびん (n) medicine bottle/vial/
こうすいびん(n) bottle of perfume (scent)/
き瓶あきびん (n) empty bottle/
みずがめ (n) water jug/
かいりゅうびん(n) drift bottle/
つるべ (n) well bucket/