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Kanji: Radical: () : ユ、ユウ; よし; reason
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 89 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3499
Japanese Reading English
しじょうじゆうか market liberalization/opening up of a market/
いんゆ(n) cause/
貿じゆうぼうえきfree trade/(P)/
おんなにふじゆう a guy who never gets the women/nerd/
由なるきゃくじゆうなるろん きゃくfreelance journalist/
じゆうきょうそう free competition/
のようなひだりのようなりゆう(exp) the reason(s) is (are) as follows/
じゆうとうLiberal Party/
じゆうか (n) liberalization/freeing/
じゆうえいぎょう unrestricted operations/
じゆう (adj-na,exp,n) freedom/liberty/as it pleases you/(P)/
じゆうじざい(adj-na,n) freely/
じゆうせきunreserved seat/
に由るふちゅういによる (exp) to be due to carelessness/
じゆうさいりょうけん(n) discretionary power/
由にじゆうに freely/
ふじゆう(adj-na,n) discomfort/disability/inconvenience/destitution/(P)/
じゆうほうにん laissez-faire/non-intervention/
げんゆう reason/cause/
じゆうけっこん freedom to choose one's marriage partner, parental wishes notwithstanding/
由のくまれたじゆうのはぐくまれたところcradle of liberty/
じゆうがた(n) freestyle (swimming event)/
ぜんきんてきじゆうasymptotic freedom (physics)/
けっしゃのじゆう freedom to assemble/
じゆうがた(n) freestyle (swimming event)/
貿じゆうぼうえきちいき free trade zone/free trade area/
さまざまな由からさまざまなりゆうからfor various reasons/
貿ぼうえきじゆうかtrade liberalization/
じゆうしゅぎけいざい(n) free economy/
そんざいりゆう reason for being/raison d'etre/
じゆうしゅぎ liberalism/
じゆうこう(n) a free port/
じゆうろうどうしゃday laborer/
由のじゆうのめがみのぞう Statue of Liberty/
じゆうし(n) free verse/
じゆう (n) reason/cause/(P)/
じゆうど(n) degree of freedom/
じゆうけい(n) punishment by imprisonment or curtailment of liberties/
じゆうしじょう(n) free market/
そうろうよし (exp) I hear that.../
けいゆ (n) go by the way/via/(P)/
きのおもてむきのりゆう ostensible (surface) reason/
こうそりゆう grounds for an appeal/
じゆうしゅぎこっか a free nation/
じゆうけいざい free economy/
じゆういしfree will/
しゅっぱんのじゆうfreedom of the press/
じゆうけん(n) civil liberties/
ゆにゅうじゆうか(n) liberalization of imports/
じゆうじかん (n) free time/time at leisure/
じゆうぎょう(n) self-employed profession (e.g. actor, artist)/liberal profession/
しんきょうのじゆうreligious liberty/
じゆうみんしゅとうLDP/Liberal Democratic Party/
せいのじゆうsexual freedom/
由をねるりゆうをたずねる(exp) to ask the reason/
らいゆ (n) origin/cause/
したいふじゆうじ (n) handicapped child/
貿じゆうぼうえきたいいき free trade zone/free trade area/
りゆう (n) reason/pretext/motive/(P)/
じゆうもんだい (in competitive sports) a free exercise/
じゆうみんけんろん (early Meiji era) democratic rights ideology/