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Kanji: Radical: () : チョウ; まち; town
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2995 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1113
Japanese Reading English
むろまち(n) Muromachi (era 1392-1573, or 1333-1573, or 1336-1573)/(P)/
なんきんまち (n) Chinatown/
の町にのまち (n) inferior/second-rate/
もんぜんまち(n) town originally built around a temple or shrine/
しちょう(n) cities and towns/
りょうしまちfishing village/
しちょうそん(n) cities, towns and villages/municipalities/(P)/
もんぜんちょう (n) town originally built around a temple or shrine/
みなとまち(n) port city/(P)/
したまちことば working-class accent or dialect/
おんせんまちhot spring resort/spa town/
の町とうかいどうすじのまちtowns on the Tokaido/
となりまち (n) neighboring (adjacent) town/
うらまち (n) back street/back alley/slums/
じょうかまち(n) castle town/town around castle/(P)/
よこちょう (n) lane/alley/side street/
やしきまち(n) residential area/
みなかみまちtown of Minakami/
はなまち (n) red-light district/
いろまち (n) red-light district/
どうちょう (n) the same town/that town/
こまち (n) a belle/town beauty/
したまちふう(n) downtown style/
したまち (n) Shitamachi/lower parts of town/(P)/