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Kanji: Radical: () : リュウ、ル; と(める)、と(まる); stay
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3003 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2580< tr class='WordListKanji'>
Japanese Reading English
よくりゅうじょ detention or internment camp/
かきとめ (n,vs) writing down/putting on record/recording/making a note of/registration (of mail)/(P)/
留めおびどめ (n) sash clip (fastener)/
ち留めるうちとめる (v1) to kill/to slay/to shoot to death/to bring down (bird)/
ないぶりゅうほ(of a company) internal reserves/
留めるしとめる (v1) to bring down (a bird)/to kill/
く留まるおたかくとまる(v5) to assume an air of importance/to put on airs/
たいりゅう(n) staying/stagnating/sojourn/
こうりゅう (n) detention/hold a person in custody/(P)/
ざいりゅうきかんこうしんきょかextension of visa permit/
に留めるげんきゅうにとどめる(exp) to keep (a student) back (to repeat a grade)/
り留めるとりとめる(v1) to stop/to put a stop to/to check/
じょうりゅう (n,vs) distillation/
げんきんかきとめ registered mail/
きりゅうち(n) one's temporary residence/
き留めるかきとどめる (v1) to write down/to leave a note behind/
を留めるくるまをとめる(exp) to park a car/
便かきとめゆうびん registered mail/PD PR/
留めあしどめ (n,vs) house arrest/confinement/keeping indoors/inducement to stay/
かんぴりゅうがくstudying abroad at government expense/
ぶんりゅう (n) fraction/fractional distillation/
ざいりゅうがいこくじん foreign residents/
かんりゅう (n) dry distillation/
いるす(n) pretending to be out/
に留まるいえにとどまる (exp) to stay home/
き留めるだきとめる (v1) to catch in one's arms/
釘で留まっているくぎでとまっている to be fastened with a nail/
ち留めうちどめ (n) end (of an entertainment or match)/
勾留こうりゅう(n) detention/confinement/
ていりゅうじょ (n) bus or tram stop/(P)/
繋留けいりゅう(n) mooring/
よくりゅう(n,vs) internment/detainment/detention/(P)/
留めふなどめ (n) preventing a ship from passing or from leaving port/
みけつこうりゅうdetention pending trial/
留めわどめ linchpin/
留まりぶどまり (n) yield/yield rate/
を留めるしになをとどめる(exp) to inscribe one's name in history/
じょうりゅうすい(n) distilled water/
ざいりゅう (n,vs) stay/remain/reside/(P)/
ほりゅう (n,vs) reserve/putting on hold/deferment/(P)/
かいがいりゅうがくねつ craze for studying abroad/
いりゅうひん(n) lost articles/
留めどどめ (n) retaining (wall)/sheathing/
かんぴりゅうがくせいstudent studying abroad at government expense/
きょりゅうみん (n) a resident/
ざんりゅう (n,vs) stay behind/stay back/
き留めるひきとめる (v1) to detain/to check/to restrain/
留めくつしたどめ garters/
いりゅう (n,vs) dissuasion from resigning or leaving/
に留まるめにとまる(v5) to catch one's attention/
きりゅう (n) temporary residence/sojourn/
留めえきどめ (n) delivery of freight to a station/
り留めのとりとめのない incoherent/wandering/vague/rambling/whimsical/
ていりゅう(n) stop/halt/
に留めるきにとめる(exp) to (keep in) mind/to give heed to/to pay attention to/
留りぶどまり(n) yield/yield rate/
び留めるよびとめる (v1) to challenge/to call somebody to halt/
き留めかきとめ(n,vs) writing down/putting on record/recording/making a note of/registration (of mail)/
けいりゅうmusic suspension/
けいりゅう (n) mooring/anchorage/
きょりゅうち(n) foreign settlement/concession/
き留めるかきとめる (v1) to write down/to leave a note behind/
きりゅうしゃ temporary resident/
ざいりゅうほうじん Japanese residing abroad/
きょりゅう(n,vs) residence/reside/
り留めのないとりとめの ないincoherent/wandering/vague/rambling/whimsical/
逗留とうりゅう(n,vs) staying/sojourn/
かるた(pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)/
ちゅうりゅう (n,vs) stationing (e.g. of troops)/garrison/
ざいりゅうみん (n) residents/
ちゅうりゅうぐんstationed troops/
じょうりゅうしゅ(n) distilled liquor/
ちゅうりゅうぶたい garrisoned forces/
かきとめりょうregistration fee/
し留めるおしとどめる (v1,vt) to stop/
に留まるきにとまる (exp) to sit in a tree/
じょうりゅうき(n) a still/
いりゅう(n,vs) bequest/
留めきょくどめ (n) general delivery/(P)/
かるた(pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)/(P)/
いりゅうぶん(n) heir's distributive share/