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Kanji: Radical: (やまいだれ) : ヘキ; くせ、くせ(に); habit
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3082 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3290
Japanese Reading English
なんくせ(n) fault/
の癖にしんまいのくせに though (one is) only a beginner/
いんしゅへきalcoholic addiction/
尻癖しりくせ(n) incontinence/promiscuity/
あくへき (n) bad habit/vice/(P)/
しゅうへき (n) (bad) habit/
わるぐせ (n) bad habit/vice/
な癖ききょうなへきeccentric habit/
しゅへき (n) drinking habits/drunken behavior/
びょうへき(n) bad habit/peculiarity/weakness/
てくせ (n) sticky-fingered/compulsive thievery/
癇癖かんぺき(n) short temper/
くちぐせ(n) way of saying/favorite phrase/(P)/
くてなくてななくせ(exp) Every man has his own peculiar habits/
とうへき(n) kleptomania/(P)/
さけくせ (n) drinking habits/drunken behavior/
癖があくへきがなおる (v5) to get over a bad habit/
せいへき (n) disposition/inclination/characteristic/idiosyncrasy/(P)/
きへき(n) strange habit/
爪を噛む癖つめをかむくせhabit of biting one's nails/
ひとくせ (n) trait/peculiarity/idiosyncrasy/
あしくせ(n) one's manner of walking/
み癖よみくせ (n) idiomatic pronunciation or peculiar reading of a kanji or compound/
けっぺき(adj-na,n) fastidiousness/love of cleanliness/(P)/
おんなぐせ(n) philandering/
ほうろうへき(n) vagrant habits/vagabondism/wanderlust/
癖がさけぐせがわるいbe a bad drunk/
き癖だきぐせ (n) (baby which is) unhappy unless held/
ねぐせ(n) disarrangement of one's hair or bedding during sleep/sleeping habit/
さけぐせ (n) drinking habits/drunken behavior/
ろうひへき wasteful habits/