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Kanji: Radical: (はつがしら) : ハツ、ホツ; ; start
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3092 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2565
Japanese Reading English
ていかいはつこく(n) backward nations/
じょうはつ (n,vs) evaporation/unexplained disappearance/(P)/
は発ひつようははつめいの はは(exp) necessity is the mother of invention/
ふはつだん dud/unexploded shell/unexploded bomb/
はんざいはっせいりつ crime rate/
ほっかいどうかいはつ ちょうちょうかんDirector General of Hokkaido Development Agency/
たんぱつじゅう (n) single shot gun/one-loader gun/
ぼうはつ(n) spontaneous discharge/accidental gun discharge/
うちゅうかいはつけいかく(n) space development project (program)/
しへいのらんぱつ excessive (reckless) issue of bank notes/
げきはつ(n) fit/spasm/outburst/
ひんぱつ (n) frequency/frequent occurrence/(P)/
こくはつじょう(n) bill of indictment/
かいはつぶDevelopment Department/
そうはつせいちほうしょう(n) schizophrenia/
たんじんばくはつexplosion of coal dust/
かいはつとじょうこく(n) developing country/emerging nation/(P)/
かくばくはつ(n) nuclear explosion/
じょうはつざら(n) evaporating dish/
インフラインフラかいはつinfrastructure development/
じはつ (n) spontaneous/
ろくれんぱつsix-chambered (revolver)/
コンピュータしんせだいコンピュータかいはつきこう ICOT/
たはつき multi-engine airplane/
わりびきはっこう discount issue/
しゅうはつ (n) the last train or departure/
いっぱつや(n) power hitter/slugger/
ばくはつてき(adj-na) explosive/tremendous/(P)/
いじょうはっせい plague/
じかはっこう public offering of new shares at market price/
せんぱつ(n,vs) forerunner/advance party/going on ahead/
かくかいはつ nuclear development/
じかはつでん (1) private power generation/(2) (col) masturbation/
れんぱつじゅう (n) repeating firearm/a repeater/
り発みきりはっしゃ starting a train before all the passengers are on board/making a snap decision/starting an action without considering objections to it any longer/
ちょうちょうはっし(adv) crossing swords/violent argument/
たはつ (n) repeated occurrence/
とくはつ (n) special (additional) train/idiopathy/
きはつぶっしつvolatile substance/
きはつ (n,vs) volatilization/(P)/
さんぱつ (n,vs) sporadic/scattering/
せんぱつとうしゅ starting pitcher/
けいざいきょうりょくか いはつきこうOECD/Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/
ばくはつかん detonator/
かりょくはつでん thermal power generation/
ロケット発ロケットはっしゃとう rocket launcher/
きはつゆ(n) volatile oil/
はんぱつりょくrepellent force/resiliency/elasticity/
ふかっぱつ(adj-na,n) dull/slow/sluggish/inactive/quiet/lethargic/
ばくはつりょくexplosive power/
煥発さいきかんぱつ(adj-na,n) quick-witted/a flash of brilliance/great wisdom/
ばくはつ(n,vs) explosion/detonation/eruption/(P)/
かりょくはつでんしょ thermal power station i.e. using combustion/
発かますいっぱつかます(v5) (sl) to hit s'one/
にれんぱつdouble-barreled gun/
とっぱつてき(adj-na) sudden/unexpected/
嘘発うそはっけんき (n) lie detector/
ふんぱつ(n) strenuous exertion/spurt/(P)/
ちょうはつてき(adj-na) provocative/suggestive/lascivious/(P)/
ちいきかいはつ community or regional development/
けいざいはってん economic development/
たいようねつはつでん(n) solar power generation/
おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかんDirector General of Okinawa Development Agency/
へいはつ(n,vs) concurrence/coincidence/complication (in illness)/(P)/
だんろんふうはつspirited discussion/
かっぱつ (adj-na,n) vigor/active/(P)/
でんげんかいはつ electric power resource development/
てきはつ(n,vs) exposing/unmasking/laying bare/(P)/
発発こうはつはってんとじょ うこく(n) least developed among developing nations/
しんぱつ(n) start/
いっしょくそくはつ(n) a critical (touch and go) situation/explosive situation/
ぎょらいはっしゃかん (n) torpedo tube/
はんぱつ(n,vs) repelling/rebound/recover/oppose/(P)/
こくはつしゃ complainant/plaintiff/
えいこくはつおん British pronunciation/
かいようかいはつ ocean development/
てきだんはっしゃとうgrenade launcher/
かいはつ (n) development/exploitation/(P)/
ぐんぱつじしん swarm earthquakes/
へいはつしょうcomplications (in illness)/
ちはつ (n) starting late or behind schedule/
うちゅうだいばくはつ Big Bang (theory)/
ねっぱつ (n) fever/
しゅっぱつてん(n) starting point/point of departure/(P)/
こうはつひんgeneric (drug)/me-too (drug)/
らんぱつ (n,vs) random firing/reckless firing/excessive issue/
げんしばくはつatomic explosion/
じねつはつでん geothermal electric power generation/
しゅっぱつじかん(n) starting (departure) time/
こうはつ (n,vs) starting late/
いっぱつはなつto break wind/to have a shot/
さいほっそくrestart/fresh start/
ようはつ ablative shield (rocket)/
ひゃっぱつひゃくちゅう (n) always hitting the bull's-eye/infallible/
しょくはつ(n,vs) touching off something/provocation/
としさいかいはつurban redevelopment/
さいしゅっぱつ(n) restart/fresh start/
れんぱつ (n,vs) running continuously/firing in rapid succession/
みかいはつ (n) undeveloped (countries)/backward/unentered/
こうしきはっぴょうofficial announcement/
しんはつめいnew invention (discovery)/
しはつえき(n) starting station/
エンジン発エンジンはつどうき engine/
うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだんNASDA/National Space Development Agency/
せんぱつたいadvance party/
せいしきはっぴょうofficial announcement/
ばくはつぶつ(n) explosive (material)/
とっぱつ (n) outbreak/occurrence/
しんはつばい (n) new product or model/
発にみはつに before anything happens/previously/
しんぞうほっさ(n,vs) (have) a heart attack/
ぐうはつ (n) sudden outbreak/accidental/incidental/(P)/
しゅんきはつどうき (n) puberty/
けんきゅうはっぴょうかい(n) meeting for reading research papers/
エネルギーちょうせんはんとうエネルギーかいはつきこう Korean Energy Development Organization (KEDO)/
さいはつ(n) return/relapse/reoccurrence/
きはっぴょう(adj-no) already published/
ばくだんはつげん (n) bombshell announcement (statement)/
げきはつ(n) percussion (fuse)/
ゆうはつ (n,vs) cause/induce/lead up to/(P)/
ちょうはつ(n,vs) requisition/commandeering/
俐発 りはつcleverness/wisdom/intelligence/
ないはつ (n) burst of energy from within/
くうはつ (n) explosion without effect/wasted bullets/
煥発かんぱつ(n) brilliance/
ちゃくはつ(n) arriving and departing/
ないぶこくはつ whistleblowing/
ぐんぱつ (n) repeated occurrence/
ちねつはつでん geothermal electric power generation/
げんしりょくはつでん nuclear power generation (of electricity)/
けんきゅうかいはつR and D/research and development/
らんかいはつ(n) environmentally damaging (indiscriminate) development/
さいはっこう (vs) reissue/
そうきはっけん (n) early detection (of cancer)/
とうきょうはつdeparting Tokyo/
みはっぴょうunpublished/not yet announced/
しはつ (n) first train/(P)/
でんどうはつどうきelectric motor/
こたいはっせい (n) ontogeny/ontogenesis/
ちょうはつ (n,vs) provocation/stirring up/(P)/
しょはつ(n) start/first departure/
ぞくはつ (n,vs) coming about/happening/occurring/successive occurrence/
えんぱつ (n,vs) postponement of departure/delayed departure/
発ちはやだち(n,vs) early morning departure/
る発かぜによるはつねつ fever caused by a cold/
たいようこうはつでんsolar power (generation)/
そうごうかいはつ integrated development/
げんしりょくはつでん しょnuclear power plant/(P)/
みはつ (n) before an event takes place/
じはつてき(adj-na) spontaneous/voluntary/(P)/
こうりゅうはつでんき an AC generator/
すいりょくはつでん (n) hydroelectric power generation/water-power generation/
ちょうはつれい requisition order/
らんぱつ (n,vs) random firing/reckless firing/excessive issue/
きんきゅうはっしん(n) scrambling/scramble/
しぜんはっか spontaneous combustion/
じんざいかいはつぶCareer Development Dept./
ö¡ö¡かいはつけいかく (n) development project (program, plan)/
いちねんほっき(n) be resolved to/
ちょうりょくはつでん (n) tidal power generation/
ぐうはつてき(adj-na) accidental/incidental/occasional/casual/
さんぱつてき(adj-na) sporadic/
バス発バスはっちゃくじょう depot/
しゅっぱつ departure
倶発ぐはつ(n) concurrence/
そうはつ (n) two-motored/
じはつせい(n) self-motivation/spontaneity/spontaneousness/
しぜんはっせい spontaneous generation/
ぞうはつ (n) increase the number of trains in operation/increase bond issues/
たんぱつき single-engine plane/
勃発ぼっぱつ(n,vs) outbreak (e.g. war)/outburst/sudden occurrence/
じょうはつねつ (n) evaporation heat/
うちゅうかいはつ space development/
はいらんゆうはつざい(n) ovulation-inducing drug/
そうはつき(n) two-motored plane/
しゅっぱつ (n,vs) departure/(P)/
しゃがいはっしん external (to a company) communications/
すいりょくはつでんしょ hydroelectric plant or power station/
かっぱつか (n) increase in activity/activation/
こくはつ(n) indictment/prosecution/complaint/(P)/
たんぱつ (n) single-engined aeroplane/anything which fires only one shot/
たはつせい multiple/poly-/
けいはつ (n,vs) enlightenment/development/edification/(P)/
せきがいはっさんinfrared divergence (physics)/
じんこうばくはつ (n) population explosion/
せんげんはっぴょう declaration/
さいかいはつ(n,vs) redevelopment/
けんきゅうはっぴょう research publication/scholarly publication/
げんぱつ(n) nuclear power plant/nuclear power supply/
りはつ(adj-na,n) intelligence/
しんぶんはっぴょう (n,vs) (issuing) a press release/
いっぱつ (n-adv,n-t) (1) one shot/a round/a charge/(2) homerun (baseball)/
ふはつ(n) misfire/