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Kanji: Radical: (しろ) : ハク、ビャク; しろ、しろ(い); white
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3095 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3493
Japanese Reading English
せいてんはくじつ(adj-na,n) be cleared of all the charge (brought against one)/be found completely innocent/
にっぱくJapan and Belgium/
こくびゃく (n) black and white/right and wrong/
蛋白たんぱくしつ(n) protein/(P)/
白みおもしろみ (n) interest/fun/
斑白はんぱく(n) grizzled hair/
めじろおし(n) jostling/milling about/
りょくはくしょくgreenish white/
はんぱく (n) grayish color/
どくはく (n,vs) monologue/talking to oneself/soliloquy/
せいはくまい (n) polished rice/
あからさま (adj-na,n) (uk) obvious/overt/plainly/frankly/
蛋白しょくぶつせいたんぱくvegetable protein/
わうどくしょのおもしろ みをあじわう(exp) to appreciate the pleasures of reading/
わんぱく(adj-na,n) naughtiness/(P)/
くろしろ (n) black and white/right and wrong/(P)/
はんぱく(n) grizzled hair/
にゅうはくしょく(n) milky white/lactescent/opal/
おもしろはんぶん (adj-na,n) for fun/half in jest/
せいはく (n) refining/polishing (of rice)/
せっぱく (adj-na,adj-no,n) snow-white/pure/immaculate/
戴白たいはくold people/becoming gray haired/
まっしろ(adj-na,n) pure white/
白なめいはくなことobvious fact/
せいれんけっぱく(adj-na,n) being upright and cleanhanded/(P)/
白くないあまりおもしろ くないnot very interesting/
らんぱく (n) white of an egg/albumin/
わかしらが(n) prematurely gray hair/
蛋白どうぶつせいたんぱ くanimal protein/
たんぱく (adj-na,n) candid/frank/simple/indifferent/ingenuous/light (color, taste)/plain/
ひょうはく(n) expression/confession/
じゅんぱく (adj-na,n) pure or snow white/
さんせいはくど (Japanese) acid clay/
白いおもしろい (adj) interesting/amusing/(P)/
っ白まっしろ (adj-na,n) pure white/(P)/
白いなまじろい (adj) pale/
ひょうはくざい(n) bleaching agent/bleach/(P)/
白がるおもしろがる (v5r) to amuse oneself/to be amused/to enjoy/to think fun/
こうはく(n) red and white/colours for festive or auspicious occasions/(P)/
こうはくうたがっせん annual singing contest held on New Year's Eve/
蒼白そ うはく(adj-na,n) pale/pallid/
しいおもしろおかしい (adj) humorous/funny/
しんこうこくはく profession of faith/
こくはく (n,vs) confession/acknowledgement/(P)/
おもしろみ (n) interest/fun/
かはく (n) speech/words/one's lines/remarks/
おおはくちょう whooper swan/
けんぱくしょ(n) a petition/a memorial/
けいはく (int,n) Yours sincerely/
白いおもしろい interesting
せいはくとうrefined sugar/
よはくちゅう marginal notes/glosses/
白白めいめいはくはく(n) perfectly evident/
白いなまっちろい (adj) pale/
かすり (n) a splash pattern/
こうはく (n) yellow and white/gold and silver/bribery/corruption/
じょうはく(n) first-class rice/
ついはく P.S./postscript/
ぼうはく (n) (theatrical) aside/
白むはなじろむ (v5m) to look daunted/
じはく (n) confession/acknowledgement/(P)/
けっぱく(adj-na,n) innocence (i.e. not guilty)/purity/uprightness/(P)/
白頁よはくぺえじblank page/
蛋白たんぱくげん(n) source of protein(s)/protein source/
けいざいはくしょ economic white paper/
白いうすじろい (adj) whitish/
ましろ (adj-na,n) pure white/
いろじろ (adj-na,adj-no,n) fair-skinned/light-complexioned/
べにおしろい (n) makeup/
くうはく (adj-na,n) blank space/vacuum/space/null (NUL)/(P)/
せいはくりつ degree of milling (of rice)/
めじろ (n) silvereye/white-eye/
やがすり(n) pattern resembling that of arrow feathers/
めいはく(adj-na,n) (uk) obvious/overt/plainly/frankly/(P)/
えんぱく(n) white lead/
けんぱく (n) petition/memorial/
に白いゆきのようにしろいwhite as snow/
たいはく(n) large cup/
かいはく(n) gray/griseous/
たいはく(n) refined sugar/thick silk thread/
おもしろ (n) amusing/interesting/
こはくしょくyellowish white/pale yellow/
うらじろ (n) fern with white-backed leaves/
白いあおじろい (adj) pale/pallid/(P)/
こくはく (n) black and white/right and wrong/
よはく(n) blank space/margin/
かんぱく (n) chief advisor to the Emperor/
かいはくしつ(n) gray matter/
蛋 白たんぱく(n) egg white/protein/
蛋白尿たんぱくにょう(n) albuminuria/
白むはなしろむ (v5) to feel let down/to feel ashamed/
おうはくしょく yellowish white/pale yellow/
ていしゅかんぱく (n) the hectoring of the husband/a husband who rules the roost/
にゅうはくmilky white/lactescent/
蒼白そうはくしょく(adj-na) pale/
かいはくしょく (n) grayish white/
仄白いほのじろい(adj) dimly white/
白さおもしろさ (n) interest/fun/
白いおもしろいところinteresting passage/
しゅくはく (int) Respectfully yours/
いろじろ fair complexion
こくふうはくうsudden rain shower in a dust storm/
せりふ (n) speech/words/one's lines/remarks/
ともしらが (n) growing old together (a couple)/
白蝶もんしろちょう(n) cabbage butterfly/
ひょうはく (n,vs) blanching/bleaching/(P)/
こうはくじあい contest between two groups/