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Kanji: Radical: (さら) : エキ、ヤク; ; profit
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 597 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2285
Japanese Reading English
よそうりえきestimated profits/
しゅうえき (n) earnings/proceeds/returns/(P)/
ねんえき annual profit/
そんえき(n) profit and loss/advantage and disadvantage/(P)/
かわせさえきprofit on currency exchange/
ばいきゃくえきprofit on sales/
あらりえき(n) gross profit/
ぜいびきまえとうきりえきincome before taxes/gross income/
こくえき (n) national interest/
しえき (n) private interest (financial)/
じゅえきしょうけん beneficiary certificate/
ねんかんしゅうえき yearly revenue/
まえうけしゅうえき (n) deferred income/
こうえきじぎょう public utilities/
ごりやく(n) grace of God/
ようえきけん(n) a usufructuary right/
しほんりえきりつreturn-on-investment ratio/
ゆうがいむえき more harm than good/harmful and of no use/
むえき(adj-na,n) useless/futile/vain/(P)/
りえきしゃかい society based on mutual self-interest/
りえき(n) profits/gains/(political, economic) interest/(P)/
あらりえき (n) gross profit/
そんえきけいさんしょprofit and loss statement/
こうえき (n) public/public good/(P)/
さえき (n) marginal profits/
ぞうえき (n) inceased (profit)/
そんえきぶんきてんthe break-even point/
こうえきしちや public pawn shop/
じゅんえき (n) clear profit/(P)/
しゅうえききん(n) proceeds/earnings/
けいじょうりえき ordinary profit/
じゅえきけんa beneficiary right/
ゆうえき (adj-na,n) beneficial/profitable/(P)/
けんえき(n) (one's) interests/
ふりえき(adj-na,n) disadvantage/handicap/drawback/inadvisability/inexpediency/(P)/
じゅえき (n) benefitting by/
いっしつりえき (n) lost profit/
のためにりえきもくてき のためにfor profit/for (financial) gain/
りえきりつ (n) profit ratio/
じつえき (n) actual profit/practical use/benefit/
きょうえき(n) common profit/
ようえきぶっけん usufruct/
そんえきかんじょう profit and loss account/
きょうえきひ(n) monthly fee for common areas of an apartment building (lighting, etc)/condo fees/
かじょうりえきexcess profit/
こうえきほうじんlegal person working for the public weal/
ようえき (n) use and benefits/
便べんえき (n) convenience/benefit/profit/
とうきりえき net income/
こうえきゆうせん public interest first/
げんえき (n,vs) decrease in profits/
しゅうえきりつ(n) earning rate/
益をこうえきをはかる(exp) to labor for the public good/
りえきはいとう dividend/share of profits/