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Kanji: Radical: (さら) : バン; ; board
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3122 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2851
Japanese Reading English
せんばん(n) lathe/
じしゃくばん (n) magnetic compass/
エルピー盤 エルピーばんLP/long-playing record/
げんばん (n) original recording/
はいでんばん(n) distributing board (panel)/switchboard/
らしんばん(n) compass/(P)/
ろばん (n) pagoda roof/
鍵盤けんばん(n) keyboard (e.g. piano)/
プリントプリントきばんPCB/printed wiring board/
おおばんふるまい (n) splendid banquet/great feast/
ぎょくおんばんrecording disc (as in Imperial surrender message)/
おおばんぶるまい(n) be lavish in giving gifts or wining and dining (others)/a lavish feast/
盤縞ごばんじま(adj-no,n) check/check pattern/
すいばん (n) flower basin/(P)/
しんばん (n) new record/
せいぎょばんcontrol panel/switchbox/
しゅうばん (n) endgame/final stage/
じばんちんか land subsidence/support/
ごばん (n) Go board/(P)/
フライス盤フライスばん(n) milling machine (fr: fraise)/
そろばん (n) abacus/(P)/
ボール盤ボールばん(n) boor-bank drilling machine/
らしんばんざ (n) (the constellation) Pyxis/
たいばん (n) placenta/afterbirth/(P)/
そうさばん(n) control board (panel)/console/
そらとぶえんばん (n) flying saucer/(P)/
ろばん (n) roadbed/
盤のけいえいきばんのじゅう じつfulfillment of management base/improvement of management foundation/
えんばん(n) disk/discus/(P)/
めいばん (n) famous (musical) recording/
じばん (n) (the) ground/
の盤しょうぎのばんJapanese chessboard/shogi board/
はいばん (n) glasses and plates/
しゅうばんせん(n) end of campaign/(P)/
ぎんばん (n) silver plate/surface of ice/skating rink/
はいばん(n) records out of production/
せんばんこうa lathe operator/
しょうぎばん(n) Japanese chessboard/board used for playing shogi/(P)/
ゆにゅうばん foreign (imported) record/
だいばんじゃく(n) large rock/rock-solid/
たてせんばんvertical turning lathe/VTL/
がんばん (n) bedrock/
もじばん(n) a dial/
こつばん(n) pelvis/
じょばんせん (n) early stages (of a game)/opening phase/
えきしょうばん liquid crystal (display) panel/
えんばんなげ(n) discus throw/
せきばん (n) a slate/
盤のごばんのめintersection on Go-board/(P)/
おおばんふるまい (n) splendid banquet/great feast/
ごばんわりpartitioned into squares/
鍵盤けんばんがっき (n) keyboard (keyed) instrument/
おんばん (n) disk/record/
そろばん(n) abacus/
じょばん(n) the opening(s) (e.g., in a game of go or chess)/
きゅうばんold bowl (platter)/old (musical) recording/
きゅうばん (n) sucker/
けんさくばん(n) grinder/grinding machine/
どうばん (n) bronze bowl/
きばん (n) foundation/basis/(P)/
らくばん (n) cave-in/
そろばんだかい(adj) calculating/miserly/
刳り盤なかぐりばん boring machine/
ちゅうばんせんthe midst of a campaign/
ちゅうばん (n-adv,n) middle (stage)/