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Kanji: Radical: () : ソウ、ショウ; あい-; phase
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2241 Index in Halpern dictionary: 900
Japanese Reading English
えんそうば yen exchange rate
がいしょう (n) Foreign Minister/(P)/
ひゃくめんそう(n) life's many phases/
ごめんそう(n) frightful face/
相のいりあいのかね(n) evening bell/vespers bell/
げっそう phase of the moon/
じそう (n) aspect/phase/phenomenon/
り相とおりそうば(n) going price/general custom/
はなずもう(n) any sumo tournament other than the (six) major tournaments/
れんぽうしゅしょうfederal chancellor/(P)/
い相よわいそうごさよう(n) weak interaction (math)/
かんそうがく(n) phrenology/physiognomy/
かいしょう (n) Navy Minister/
卿相けいしょう(n) court nobles and state ministers/
しゅしょうけんがい しょうPrime Minister and Foreign Minister/(P)/
りの相みずいりのすもうsumo match with a break/
しんそう (n) truth/real situation/(P)/
ようそう (n) aspect/(P)/
ろうしょう (n) Labor Minister/
いりあい (n) sunset/
てんきそうだんじょ(n) weather bureau/
こっそうがくしゃ phrenologist/
じるいちみゃくあいつう じるto have in common (with)/
調しんそうちょうさ fact finding/
こうしょう (n) Welfare Minister/(P)/
くさずもう(n) amateur sumo wrestling/
ふくそう (adj-na,n) happy-looking/
ぞうしょう (n) Minister of Finance/(P)/
らすかんたんあいてらす to profound compatability/
しんこうそうprogressive aspect/
の相けなくのそうa wild look/
うんゆしょう (n) Transport Minister/
じそう (n) (gram) tense/
さんぜそう(n) the Book of Divination/
さいしょう (n) Prime Minister/(P)/
こくいのさいしょう Buddhist priest who is a government minister/
じるうむあいつうじるto help each other/to complement/
かそう (n) construction of a house (divination term)/
げんぶつそうばspot quotations/
きょうどうそうぞくにんjoint heir/
し相なかなしそうなかお sad-looking face/
かぶしきそうば stock market quotation/
げ相さげそうばbearish market/
り相いりあい (n) sunset/
ぶんそうきphase splitter/
おおずもう(n) annual wrestling matches/(P)/
めんそう (n) countenance/features/looks/
ゆびずもう(n) thumb wrestling/
すいていそうぞくにん(n) heir(s) presumptive/
りくしょう (n) (abbr) army minister/
ぎょうそう (n) features/look/aspect/phase/form/
しゅしょう(n) Prime Minister/(P)/
てんきそうだんしょ(n) weather bureau/
にんそうがく(n) physiognomy/
しょそう (n) various aspects or phases/
いんぞう mudra/hand sign/
闇相やみそうば(n) black-market price/
にわさきそうば spot-sale price/
いっしそうでん (n) transmission of a trade secret from father to a son/
にんそうみ (n) physiognomist/
いそうさ(n) phase contrast/
こうていそうば ceiling price/official quotation/
ろうどうしょうMinister of Labor/
ほうりつそうだん(n) legal advice/
相のひそうのけんshallow view/
しゅしょうかんてい(n) prime minister's official residence/
ちそう (n) geographic features/divination based on the lay of the land/
かそう(n) appearance/phenomenon/
いさんそうぞくぜいinheritance tax/
さんそう three phases/
きそう (n) gas phase/
いさんそうぞく inheritance/succession to property/
たんそう(n) single phase/
じだいそう(n) phases of the age (times)/
ほうのうずもう ritual sumo matches held at a shrine/
にんそうがき (n) personal description/
つうさんしょう(n) Minister of International Trade and Industry/
ないしょう(n) prewar Home Minister/
へんどうかわせそうばせい(n) floating exchange rate system/
もとしゅしょうformer Prime Minister/
どうぶつそう(n) fauna/
かわいそう (adj-na,n) poor/pitiable/pathetic/(P)/
のうしょう(n) Agriculture Minister/
あとめそうぞく successorship/
こっそう (n) physique/phrenology/
うでずもう(n) arm wrestling/
したそうだん (n) preliminary consultation/arrangements/(P)/
相憐れむどうびょうあい あわれむ(exp) Fellow sufferers pity each other/
ずるいちみゃくあいつうずるto have in common (with)/
じっそう (n) reality/real state of affairs/
にそう two-phase/
せそう (n) phase of life/sign of the times/world (social) conditions/(P)/
ざいさんそうぞくsuccession to or inheritance of property/
ふくしゅしょうdeputy prime minister/vice prime minister/
つ相よつずもう(n) sumo wrestling in which both wrestlers grasp the other's belt with both hands/
かわせそうばexchange rates/
どうそうばmarket price of copper/
ひんそう (adj-na,n) seedy-looking/thin/(P)/
瑟相きんしつあいわすhappily married/
てそうみ(n) palm reader/
しきそう (n) hue/color phase/
相のさいしょうのきperson qualified for prime minister/
げ相あげそうば(n) bullish market/
おろしそうば(n) wholesale price/
ほっそう Buddhist sect/
かんそう (n) physiognomy/
いそうきかがく(adj-na) topology/topological/
さゆうそうしょう symmetry/
かとくそうぞく inheritance/succession to family headship/(P)/
らすであるかんたんあいてらすあいだがらである (exp) to be quite in sympathy with each other/
けっそう(n) expression/looks/
にんそううらないdivination by facial features/
ぶんしょう (n) Minister of Education, Science and Culture/
けいそう(n) features/look/aspect/phase/form/
きょうそうあいて competitor/rival/
いそうそくど (n) phase velocity/
めっそう (adj-na,n) extravagant/absurd/
に相してあんにそういして(adv) contrary to one's expectations/
どうそう (1) (id) the said (cabinet) minister/(2) in-phase (component of a wave)/
そうそう(n) facies/
しゅじゅそう (n) various phases/
り相ひとりずもう(exp) futile and useless/single-person mimicking a wrestling match/
にんそう(n) physiognomy/looks/countenance/(P)/
こっそうがく(n) phrenology/
の相かくだんのそうい marked difference/
てそう (n,vs) palm reading/
ふそうおう(adj-na,n) unsuited/inappropriate/improper/undeserved/(P)/
いそう (n) phase (in science)/
そそう (n) carelessness/careless mistake/blunder/
いさんそうぞくにん heir/heiress/inheritor/
まえずもう(n) preliminary sumo bouts with unranked wrestlers/unranked sumo wrestlers/
もっそうめし (n) food served to prisoners/
し相はなしあいて(n) person with whom to speak/advisor/
あくそう (n) evil countenance/
ねぞう (n) one's sleeping posture/(P)/
ひそう (adj-na,adj-no,n) superficial/(P)/
えんそうば(n) yen exchange rate/
さんそうこうりゅう three-phase alternating current/
てるゆうめいあいへだて る(v1) to die/
いそうくうかん phase space (physics)/
しそう (n) look of death/shadow of death/
きっそう (n) auspicious appearance/good or lucky omen/
めんそうふで (n) fine-point brushes/
くうそうば(n) speculation/fictitious transaction/
ぶんそうおう(adj-na,n) within one's means/
丞相じょうしょう(n) prime minister (in ancient China)/
ほうしょう (n) Minister of Justice/
けんそう (adj-na,n) forbidding look/uncanny look/