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Kanji: Radical: () : ガン、ゲン; まなこ; eye
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3140 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1172
Japanese Reading English
慧眼けいがん(adj-na,n) discerning (quick) eye/keen insight/
碧眼へきがん(n) blue eyes/
ろうがん(n) presbyopia/long-sighted/(P)/
ちゃくがんてん(n) a viewpoint/
しんがん (n) the mind's eye/
いろめがねでみる (v1) to look at things from a biased viewpoint/
しゅがん(n) main point/
壺眼かなつぼまなこ goggle eyes/round, sunken eyes/greedy look/
けんがんい optometrist/
りょうがん (n) both eyes/(P)/
かいげん (n,vs) enlightenment/spiritual awakening/opening ones eyes to the truth/
はくがんし(n,vs) frowning on someone/
すいちゅうめがね swimming goggles/
てんがんやく(n) eye drops/
ほうげん(n) senior priestly rank in Buddhism/
けんがん (n) eye examination/optometry/
きんがん (n) nearsightedness/shortsightedness/myopia/(P)/
しろめ (n) whites of the eyes/
じげん (n) merciful eye/
いっせきがん(n) sharp eye/critical eye/discerning eye/an opinion/(P)/
てんがんきょう (n) magnifying glass/
しがん historical view/historical insight/
はなめがね (n) pince-nez glasses/
しんびがん(n) aesthetic sense/
いろめがね(n) rose-colored glasses/
ぞくがん (n) popular opinion/
てんがん (n) clairvoyant/rolling of eyes during convulsions/
はんがん(n) with eyes half-closed/
ふくがん(n) compound eyes/
しゅがんてんmain point/
えんしがん (n) farsightedness/
ひゃくいろめがね kaleidoscope/
くろめがねsunglasses/shady glasses/dark glasses/
せんきゅうがん(n) batting eye (ability to judge whether a pitch will be called a ball or a strike) (baseball)/
ぼんがん (n) (through) a layman's eyes/
にくがん (n) naked eye/(P)/
眼レンズぎょがんレンズ (n) fisheye lens/
かつがん (n) keen or piercing eye/
ちゃくがん (n,vs) notice/attention/viewpoint/observation/aiming at/having an eye to/
りゅうがん (n) longan/
せいしがん(n) correct vision/
はくがん (n) whites of the eyes/
てんがんつう(n) clairvoyance/
おうがんきょうconcave glasses/
ぎがん (n) artificial eye/
けんがんきょう(n) ophthalmoscope/
眼レフいちがんレフ (n) single-lens reflex camera/
たんがん (n) one eye/
れいがん (n) cold look/
せいがん (n) aiming at the eye (with a sword)/
い眼どのつよいめがねpowerful spectacles/
せんりがん(n) clairvoyance/(P)/
ふうがん (n) gonorrheal ophthalmia/
そうがん (n) both eyes/binocular/
おうがん cavernous eyes/
きんがんきょう(n) corrective lenses for myopia/
せいがんしゃsighted person/
眼ではんがんで with a half-opened eye/
じゅうがん (n) loophole/eyelet/
てんがんすい (n) eye lotion/
きんしがん(n) myopia/
かんしきがん discerning eye/
炯眼けいがん(adj-na,n) penetrating eyes/insightfulness/
そうがんきょう(n) binoculars/field glasses/(P)/
とおめがね(n) (obs) telescope/
惚け眼ねぼけまなこ (n) sleepy eyes/drowsy look/
てるそうがんきょうにめをあてる(exp) to put binoculars to one's eyes/
えんがん (n) far-sightedness/
眼のぐがんのしdiscerning man/
かいがん (n,vs) enlightenment/spiritual awakening/opening ones eyes to the truth/
ほうがんし(n) graph paper/section paper/
たいふうがん(n) eye of a typhoon/
ろうがんきょう(n) reading (farsighted) glasses/spectacles for the aged/
ちかめ(n) nearsightedness/shortsightedness/myopia/
せきがん(n) eye (for pictures, etc.)/one eye/(P)/
ひひょうがん(n) critical eye/(P)/
むしめがね(n) magnifying glass/
かんさつがん(n) observing eye/
どくがん (n) one-eyed/
いちがん (n) one eye/
栗眼どんぐりまなこ (adj-no,n) goggle-eyes/
すいがん (n) bleary or drunken eyes/
ぐがん (n) discerning/
せんがん (n) washing the eyes/
ぞうがん (n) inlay (work)/inlaying/
かため (n) one eye/
らがん (n) naked eye/
ちまなこ (n) bloodshot eyes/in a frenzy/
てんがんきeye dropper/
てんがん(n,vs) dropping medicine in the eyes/