接着力 | せっちゃくりょく
| bond strength/ |
寝間着 | ねまき | (n)
sleep-wear/nightclothes/pyjamas/nightgown/nightdress/(P)/ |
割烹着 | かっぽうぎ
| (n) coverall apron/cook's apron/ |
落ち着いた | おちついた
| quiet/calm/composed/(P)/ |
横着 | おうちゃく
| (adj-na,n)
dishonesty/laziness/cunning/(P)/ |
金を着せた指輪 | きんをきせたゆびわ | ring plated with gold/ |
流れ着く | ながれつく
| (v5k) to drift to/to be washed
ashore/ |
住み着く | すみつく | (v5k) to settle down/ |
収着 | しゅうちゃく
| (n) sorption (in physical chemistry)/ |
板に着く | いたにつく | (exp) to be at home (on the stage)/ |
参着 | さんちゃく
| (n) arrival/payment on sight/ |
来着 | らいちゃく
| (n,vs) arrival/ |
接着剤 | せっちゃくざい | (n) adhesive/glue/ |
下着 | したぎ
| (n) underwear/(P)/ |
膠着語 | こうちゃくご | (n) agglutinative language/ |
渋い着物 | しぶいきもの | tasteful dress/ |
着ける | こぎつける | (v1)
to row up to/to attain to/ |
発着所 | はっちゃくじょ
| (n) landing place for steamers/ |
到着駅 | とうちゃくえき | station of arrival/destination/ |
化学吸着 | かがくきゅうちゃく
| chemisorb/ |
定着剤 | ていちゃくざい | (photographic) fixing agent/ |
夜着 | よぎ
| (n) night-clothes/heavy kimono-like
quilt/ |
不断着 | ふだんぎ
| (n) casual wear/ordinary clothes/everyday
clothes/home wear/ |
落ち着き払う | おちつきはらう
| (v5u) to keep cool/ |
未着手 | みちゃくしゅ | (work) not yet started/ |
替え着 | かえぎ
| (n) change of or spare clothing/ |
接着 | せっちゃく
| (n,vs) fastening with glue/ |
晴れ着 | はれぎ
| (n) Sunday best (clothes)/ |
不着 | ふちゃく
| (n) nonarrival/nondelivery/ |
弾着 | だんちゃく
| (n) a hit/impact/ |
移着 | いちゃく
| (vs) adhering or embedding of wear debris in
the opposing surface/ |
水着 | みずぎ | (n) bathing suit (woman's)/(P)/ |
春着 | はるぎ
| (n) springwear/New Year's clothes/ |
愛着 | あいじゃく
| (n) attachment/love/covetous
affection/ |
磯巾着 | いそぎんちゃく | (n) sea
anemone/ |
弾着点 | だんちゃくてん
| (n) point of impact/ |
水泳着 | すいえいぎ | bathing suit/swimsuit/ |
罪を着せる | つみをきせる
| (exp) to pin a crime on/ |
結着 | けっちゃく
| (n)
conclusion/decision/end/settlement/ |
船着き場 | ふなつきば
| (n) harbour/landing place/wharf/ |
落ち着く | おちつく
| (v5k) to calm down/to settle down/to be
steady/to settle in/to take up one's residence/to harmonize with/to match/to
restore presence of mind/(P)/ |
土着民 | どちゃくみん
| natives/aborigines/ |
悪戯着 | いたずらぎ | rompers/play suit/ |
早朝の着 | そうちょうのちゃく | early morning arrival/ |
海水着 | かいすいぎ | (n) bathing suit/ |
頓着 | とんじゃく | (n) being concerned about or mindful of/ |
撞着 | どうちゃく | (n) contradiction/ |
袴着 | はかまぎ | (n) ceremony fitting child with a hakama/ |
無頓着 | むとんじゃく
| (adj-na,n) indifferent/do not care
about/ |
必着 | ひっちゃく | (n) must arrive/must be received/(P)/ |
普段着 | ふだんぎ | (n) casual wear/ordinary clothes/everyday clothes/home
wear/(P)/ |
到着 | とうちゃく | arrival |
車を門に着ける | くるまをもんに
つける | (exp) to pull a car up at the
gate/ |
部屋着 | へやぎ
| (n) dressing gown/loungewear/ |
悶着 | もんちゃく | (n) trouble/quarrel/dispute/ |
執着 | しゅうちゃく
| (n) attachment/adhesion/tenacity/(P)/ |
肌着 | はだぎ | (n) underwear/lingerie/singlet/chemise/(P)/ |
新着 | しんちゃく
| (n) new arrivals/new acquisitions/ |
落ち着き | おちつき
| (n) calm/composure/(P)/ |
膠着 | こうちゃく | (n,vs) stalemate/agglutination/adhesion/ |
駅に着く | えきにつく
| (exp) to arrive at the station/ |
為着 | しきせ
| livery/servant's clothes provided by
employers/ |
附着 | ふちゃく | (n,vs) sticking to/clinging
to/adhesion/cohesion/agglutination/ |
未着 | みちゃく | (n) nonarrival/ |
粘着性 | ねんちゃくせい | (n) adhesion/stickiness/viscosity/ |
緊急着陸 | きんきゅうちゃくりく
| emergency landing/ |
夏着 | なつぎ
| (n) summer clothes/ |
合い着 | あいぎ
| (n) between-season wear/clothes worn in spring
or autumn (fall)/ |
上着 | うわぎ | outer garment, jacket, coat |
下着類 | したぎるい | underclothes/ |
無着陸 | むちゃくりく
| (n) nonstop/ |
頓着しない | とんちゃくしない
| (exp) do not care about/do not
mind/ |
瞞着 | まんちゃく | (n,vs)
deception/cheating/trickery/fraud/ |
腰巾着 | こしぎんちゃく | (n) hanger-on/purse strapped round one's
waist/ |
圧着 | あっちゃく | (n) crimp/ |
決着 | けっちゃく | (n) conclusion/decision/end/settlement/(P)/ |
行き着く | ゆきつく
| (v5k) to arrive at/to end up/ |
恋着 | れんちゃく
| (n) attachment/love/ |
二着 | にちゃく
| runner-up/second (in a race)/ |
近着 | きんちゃく
| (n) newly arrived/ |
柔道着 | じゅうどうぎ | suit for judo practice/ |
面を着ける | めんをつける
| (exp) to put a mask on/ |
試着室 | しちゃくしつ | fitting room |
上着 | うわぎ | (n) coat/tunic/jacket/outer garment/(P)/ |
冬着 | ふゆぎ
| (n) winter clothing/ |
銀着せ | ぎんきせ
| (adj-no,n) silver-plated/ |
落ち着ける | おちつける
| (v1) to quiet/to calm down/to compose
oneself/ |
祝い着 | いわいぎ | festive dress/ |
晴着 | はれぎ | (n) Sunday best (clothes)/ |
終着駅 | しゅうちゃくえき | (n) terminal station/(P)/ |
落着く | おちつく
| (v5k) to calm down/to settle down/to be
steady/to settle in/to take up one's residence/to harmonize with/to match/to
restore presence of mind/ |
圧着端子 | あっちゃくたんし | (n) crimp contact/ |
到着時刻 | とうちゃくじこく
| (n) arrival time/ |
密着 | みっちゃく
| (n) glued to/ |
野良着 | のらぎ | (n) clothes for doing farm work or working in
fields/ |
席に着く | せきにつく | (v5) to sit on a seat/ |
寝間着 | ねまき | pajamas |
厚着 | あつぎ | (n) wearing thick clothes/(P)/ |
訪問着 | ほうもんぎ | (n) semi-formal kimono for women/visiting (gala)
dress/ |
同着 | どうちゃく | (n) arriving at the same moment/ |
吸着 | きゅうちゃく
| (n,vs)
adsorption/adsorb/attachment/sorption/ |
街着 | まちぎ
| (n) street clothes/townwear/ |
表着 | うわぎ
| (n) coat/tunic/jacket/outer
garment/ |
合着 | あいぎ | (n) between-season wear/clothes worn in spring or autumn
(fall)/ |
執着 | しゅうじゃく | (n) attachment/adhesion/tenacity/(P)/ |
無頓着 | むとんちゃく
| (adj-na,n) indifferent/do not care
about/ |
先着 | せんちゃく | (n) first arrival/(P)/ |
家庭着 | かていぎ
| (n) housedress/ |
延着 | えんちゃく
| (n) delayed arrival/ |
圧着 | あつぎ
| (n) crimp/ |
御仕着せ | おしきせ | (n) uniforms supplied to employees/an
allotment/ |
向こうに着いたら | むこうについたら | when you get to the destination/ |
粘着剤 | ねんちゃくざい | (adj-na) adhesive/ |
定着 | ていちゃく
| (n,vs) establishing/(P)/ |
重ね着 | かさねぎ
| (n) wearing one garment over
another/ |
古着 | ふるぎ | (n) old clothes/secondhand clothing/ |
執着心 | しゅうちゃくしん | (n) attachment (to)/tenacity of purpose/ |
固着 | こちゃく
| (n,vs) adherence to/sticking
fast/fixation/ |
追い着く | おいつく | (v5k) to overtake/to catch up (with)/ |
粘着 | ねんちゃく
| (n) cohesion/adhesion/(P)/ |
帰着 | きちゃく
| (n) return/conclusion/ |
仕事着 | しごとぎ | (n) work clothes/business suit/ |
短距離離着陸機 | たんきょりりちゃくりくき | (n) plane able to make short takeoffs and
landings/ |
装着 | そうちゃく | (n,vs) equipping/installing/laying down/ |
巾着切り | きんちゃくきり | pickpocket/ |
居着く | いつく | (v5k) to settle down/ |
東京着 | とうきょうちゃく | arriving in Tokyo/ |
試着する | しちゃくする
| try on |
試着室 | しちゃくしつ | dressing room/ |
粘り着く | ねばりつく | (v5k) to be sticky/ |
化粧着 | けしょうぎ | dressing gown/ |
凝着 | ぎょうちゃく | (n) adhesion/ |
胴を着ける | どうをつける | (exp) to put on body armor/ |
雨着 | あまぎ
| (n) raincoat/ |
巾着 | きんちゃく | (n) pouch/hanger-on/purse/ |
失着 | しっちゃく
| (n) mistake/negligence/ |
凝着力 | ぎょうちゃくりょく | adhesion/ |
罪を着る | つみをきる | (exp) to take (another's guilt) on oneself/to be accused
of/ |
癒着 | ゆちゃく | (n) adhesion/(P)/ |
発着 | はっちゃく
| (n) arrival and departure/(P)/ |
粘着力 | ねんちゃくりょく | (n) adhesive power/viscosity/(P)/ |
定着液 | ていちゃくえき | (n) (photographic) fixing solution/ |
安着 | あんちゃく
| (n) safe arrival/ |
勝着 | しょうちゃく
| (n) winning move (in a go game)/ |
弾着距離 | だんちゃくきょり
| range (of a gun)/(within) gunshot/ |
胴着 | どうぎ
| (n) (sleeveless) undergarment/ |
糞落ち着き | くそおちつき | (n) provokingly calm/ |
不時着 | ふじちゃく | (n) emergency landing/(P)/ |
先着順 | せんちゃくじゅん | order of arrival/ |
辿り着く | たどりつく | (v5k) to grope along to/to struggle on to/to arrive
somewhere after a struggle/ |
愛着 | あいちゃく | (n) attachment/love/covetous affection/(P)/ |
無着陸飛行 | むちゃくりくひこう | nonstop flight/ |
下着 | したぎ
| underwear |
伊達着 | だてぎ | showy clothes/ |
落着 | らくちゃく | (n,vs) being settled/coming to a
conclusion/ |
恩に着せる | おんにきせる | (exp) to demand gratitude/ |
付着 | ふちゃく
| (n,vs) sticking to/clinging
to/adhesion/cohesion/agglutination/(P)/ |
試着 | しちゃく
| (n,vs) wearing clothes to try/ |
附着力 | ふちゃくりょく | adhesion/ |
膠着状態 | こうちゃくじょうたい
| deadlock/stalemate/ |
逢着 | ほうちゃく | (n,vs) encounter/face/ |
バス発着場 | バスはっちゃくじょう
| depot/ |
産着 | うぶぎ
| (n) baby clothes/ |
沈着 | ちんちゃく
| (adj-na,n) composure/calmness/(P)/ |
稽古着 | けいこぎ | (n) gym suit/training clothes/ |
防塵着 | ぼうじんぎ
| dustproof clothing one would use in a
cleanroom/ |
父親の威光を笠に着る | ちちおやのい
こうをかさにきる | (exp) to shelter oneself under his
fathers influence/ |
手を着ける | てをつける | (exp) to set one's hand to/to start/ |
付着力 | ふちゃくりょく | (n) adhesion/ |
瞬間接着剤 | しゅんかんせっちゃく
ざい | (n) (tube of) instant glue/ |
漂着 | ひょうちゃく
| (n,vs) drifting ashore/(P)/ |
借り着 | かりぎ
| (n) borrowed clothes/ |
舟着き場 | ふなつきば | wharf/ |
薄着 | うすぎ | (n,vs) lightly dressed/(P)/ |
自家撞着 | じかどうちゃく | (n) self-contradiction/ |
裏表に着る | うらおもてにきる | (exp) to wear (a coat) wrong side out/ |
晴れ着姿 | はれぎすがた | dressed up (in fine clothes)/ |
蒸着 | じょうちゃく
| (n,vs) evaporate/ |
頓着 | とんちゃく | (n) being concerned about or mindful of/ |
土着 | どちゃく
| (adj-no,n) aboriginal/indigenous/ |
歯に衣を着せない | はにきぬをきせない | not mince matters/ |
恩に着る | おんにきる
| (exp) to feel oneself indebted to/ |
軟着陸 | なんちゃくりく | (n) soft-landing/(P)/ |
顔着 | がんちゃく
| (sl) face landing (used by BMX
riders)/ |
一着 | いっちゃく | (n-t) first arrival/first in race/suit of
clothes/ |
行き着く | いきつく | (v5k) to arrive at/to end up/ |
不時着陸 | ふじちゃくりく
| emergency landing/ |
自動着信 | じどうちゃくしん
| auto answer (modem)/ |
染み着く | しみつく
| (v5k) to be indelibly stained/to be
ingrained/ |
膠着剤 | こうちゃくざい | adhesion/agglutination/ |
膚着 | はだぎ
| (n) underwear/ |
平生着 | へいぜいぎ | usually worn/ |
手伝って着せる | てつだってき
せる | to help (a person) dress/ |
遅着 | ちちゃく
| late arrival/(P)/ |
離着陸 | りちゃくりく | (n) takeoff and landing/ |
仕着 | しきせ
| livery/servant's clothes provided by
employers/ |
身に着ける | みにつける | (exp) to wear/to put on/ |
圧着端子 | あつぎたんし
| (n) crimp contact/ |
到着 | とうちゃく
| (n,vs) arrival/(P)/ |