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Kanji: Radical: () : ; し(る)、し(れる)、し(らせる); knowledge
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3169 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1127
Japanese Reading English
ず知らずみずしらず(adj-no,exp,n) strange/(P)/
しゅうちてってい (something) known to all/
しらぬひ(n) phosphorescent light/
せんち foresight/speedy comprehension/
しょうち (n) superficial knowledge/
の知らせむしのしらせ (exp,n) foreboding/
よちむforesight dream/
こくち (n,vs) notice/announcement/
お知らせおしらせ(n) Notice/Notification/
かさいほうちき(n) fire alarm (box)/
かも知れないかもしれない(exp) may/might/perhaps/may be/possibly/(P)/
かんちき sensor/
知をえたじんちをこえた beyond human understanding/
しょうち (n,vs) consent/acceptance/assent/admitting/acknowledgment/compliance/agreement/awarenes s/(P)/
叡知えいち(n) intelligence/
知メッセージつうちメッセージinformation message/
わるぢえ(n) craft/cunning/guile/serpentine wisdom/
知りみしりごし(n) being well-known to/
しゅうち (n) the wisdom of the many/
かんち (n,vs) perception/
にんちかがく cognitive science/
ぞんじ (n) knowledge of/
でんぱたんちき(n) radar/
にんちしんりがく (n) cognitive psychology/
い知るおもいしる (v5r) to realize/
つうちじょう(n) notice/letter of advice/
おんこちしん (n) developing new ideas based on study of the past/learning from the past/
簿つうちぼ (n) report card (book)/
かさいほうちき(n) fire alarm (device)/
知りわけしり (n) man of the world/experienced in matters of the heart/
じょくち(adj-na,n) acquaintance/
戚知しんせきちきrelatives and acquaintances/
いっちはんかい (adj-na,n) superficial knowledge/half knowledge/
じしんよちearthquake prediction/
知らずてんじょうしらず(n) skyrocketing (prices)/
こうち (n) skill/cleverness/
頓知とんち(n) (quick or ready) wit/
きんぞくたんちきmetal detector/
知るみしる (v5r) to recognise/to know by sight/to become acquinted with/
知りみしり(n) recognition/acquaintance/
知らずよみびとしらず(n) author unknown/waka-composer unknown/
狡知こうち(n) craft/cunning/
くことを知らないあくこ とをしらないinsatiable/
しゅちしゅぎ intellectualism/
おんこちしん (n) developing new ideas based on study of the past/learning from the past/
ふち(n) ignorance/
知らせおしらせ(n) Notice/Notification/
さっち (n,vs) sense/infer/
ほうこうたんちきdirection finder/
じゅたいこくち the Annunciation/
け知つけじえhint suggestion/
知らずみしらず (adj-na,n) self-conceit/neglecting one's health/
さるじえ (n) shallow cunning/shallow cleverness/(P)/
知らせまえじらせprevious notice/omen/signs/premonition/
つうちひょう(n) report card/
たんち (n) detection/(P)/
け知らずなさけしらず (n) coldhearted/pitiless/
い知らせわるいしらせ bad news/
きそちしき fundamental knowledge/(P)/
知蒙昧むちもうまい (adj-na,n) unenlightened/in the darkest ignorance/
りち(n) intellect/
あいちけん prefecture in the Chuubu area/
むち (adj-na,n) ignorance/(P)/
幡の薮知らずやわたのや ぶしらず(n) labyrinth/maze/
ほうちき(adj-na) alarm/
知にじるひとのむちにじょう じる(exp) to abuse (take advantage of) another's ignorance/
よち(n) foresight/foreknowledge/intimation/premonition/prediction/(P)/
りちてき(adj-na,n) intellectual/
ふくちじ(n) lieutenant governor/
じんこうちのう AI/artificial intelligence/
知之しょうちのすけ(n) agreement/
知りものしりがお (n) a knowing look/
ぞんち (n) knowledge of/
げぢ (n) command/order/
にんち (n) acknowledgement/recognition/
の知れないえたいのしれない(adj-pn) strange/unfamiliar/mysterious/suspicious/
あさぢえ(n) shallow thinking/shallow wit/
ぜんちしき(n) Buddhist evangelist/
きゅうち (n) old friend/old friendship/
ふかちろん (n) agnosticism/
じゃち (n) knowledge applied to evil purposes/
こうち(n) well-known/
知らずつゆしらず utterly ignorant/
ぶんち (n) learn of/
ぜんちぜんのう (n) omniscience and omnipotence/
てんきょつうち (n) change of address notice (announcement)/
知らずおんしらず(adj-na,n) ingratitude/(P)/
せち (n) wordly wisdom/stingy person/
知りものしり (n) well-informed person/walking dictionary/extensive knowledge/
わい知るあじわいしるto taste and know/
おそぢえ (n) backward or late-developing child/
かくぶつちち(n) gaining a perfect knowledge of natural laws/
ぜんち(n) omniscience/
れいち (n) mystic wisdom/
知らずなさけしらず (n) coldhearted/pitiless/
でんぱたんちき(n) radar/
知らずはじしらず(adj-na,n) shameless (person)/(P)/
げち (n) command/order/
こち (n) the wisdom of the ancients/
かんち (n,vs) concern/business/
しょうちづく(v5) to act on mutual agreement/
ふしょうち(adj-na,n) dissent/disagreement/disapproval/objection/refusal/
じゅくち (n,vs) being familiar with/having a thorough knowledge of/being well informed about/
みちすう(n) unknown number/
れ知いれぢえ(n) suggestion/hint/
げんごちしき knowledge of language/
知らずよみびとしらず(n) author unknown/anonymous/
こうちけんprefecture on the island of Shikoku/
せんもんちしき expertise/special knowledge/
きち (adj-na,n) already known/well-known/
すいち(n) a conjecture/
に知っているたなごころ をさすようにしっている(exp) to know (something) like the palm of one's hand/
い知れぬいいしれぬ(adj-pn) indescribable/inexpressible/
知りかおみしり(n) acquaintance/
こくちばん(n) bulletin board/
しゅちしゅぎしゃan intellectual/
知らぬそしらぬかおpretending not to recognize/feigned ignorance/
さいち(n) wit and intelligence/
知らずせけんしらず(adj-na,n) to ignorance of the ways of the world/
たたき concrete floor/
知れずひとしれず (adv,exp) secret/hidden/unseen/inward/
せちがらい (adj) hard (life)/tough (world)/
あとぢえ(n) hindsight/
ればの知さんにんよればもんじゅ のちえ(exp) two heads are better than one/
しゅうち(n) common knowledge/well known/(P)/
ふかちてき agnostic/
に知られるあまねくせか いにしられる(exp) to be known all over the world/
りょうち(n) intuition/
よびちしきbackground knowledge/prerequisite knowledge/
ぎゃくたんち (n) phone trace/detecting the source of a telephone call/
わるじえ(n) craft/cunning/guile/serpentine wisdom/
い知らせるおもいしらせ る(v1) to have a revenge on/to get even with/to make someone realize/
の蛙を知らずいのなかのかわ ずたいかいをしらず(exp) parochial/provincial/used to encourage someone to get a wider perspective/
が知らせるむしがしらせ る(exp,v1) to forebode/to have a presentiment/
つうち(n,vs) notice/notification/(P)/
誰知らぬだれしらぬ(adv,exp) nobody knows/
が知れているたかがしれ ている(exp) to not amount to much/
ていち (n) spying/investigating/
知にきちにとむ(v5) to be quick-witted/to be resourceful/
窺い知るうかがいしる(v5r) to perceive/to understand/
のうぜいつうちしょ(n) tax notice/
知れぬひとしれぬ (adj-pn,exp) secret/hidden/unseen/inward/
ほうち(n) information/news/intelligence/(P)/
知りひとみしり(n) shyness/(P)/
きちすう(n) (mathematical) known quantity/
きち (n) extraordinary wisdom/
しらぬい(n) phosphorescent light/
ごぞんじ(n) knowing/acquaintance/
り知れないはかりしれな い(adj,exp) unfathomable/inestimable/immeasurable/
しゅちてき(adj-na) intellectual/
じどうほうこうたんちきautomatic direction finder (ADF)/
ぎょぐんたんちき(n) fishfinder/
知らずおやしらず (n) wisdom tooth/
かんちそうち (n) smoke or heat sensor or detector/
知らずわれしらず(adv) involuntarily/instinctively/
ごぞんじ(n) knowing/acquaintance/
知らずいのちしらず (adj-na,adj-no,n) recklessness/daredevil/long-lasting/
を知るおんなのあじをし る(exp) to have carnal knowledge (of a woman)/
な知がいはくなちしきprofound knowledge/(P)/
窺知きち(n,vs) perception/understanding/
せんもんてきちしき(n) expert (technical) knowledge/expertise/
さるぢえ(n) shallow cunning/shallow cleverness/
えいち (n) intelligence/
けんちじ(n) prefectural governor/
ふかち(adj-na,n) unknowable/mysterious/
きち (n) wit/resources/tact/
に知られるあまねくせか いにしられる(exp) to be known all over the world/
知らずあせしらず(n) prickly heat powder/baby powder/
知れぬそこしれぬ (adj-pn,exp) bottomless/
かがくちしき (n) scientific knowledge/
みち (adj-na,n) not yet known/(P)/
ふちじ(n) prefectural governor/
に知るこじんてきにしる (v5) to know personally/
りょうち (n,vs) knowing/understanding/appreciation/
ふかちろんしゃ agnostic/
知らぬみしらぬ (adj-pn,exp) unknown/unacquainted/strange/
じんち(n) human intellect/knowledge/