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Kanji: Radical: () : タン; みじか(い); short
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3172 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1182
Japanese Reading English
ハ短調ハたんちょうC minor/
イ短調イたんちょうA minor/
じたん(n) shortening of time/
ロ短調ロたんちょうB minor/
えいようたん Junior College of Nutrition/
けいはくたんしょう small and light/
ごくちょうたんぱ (n) UHF/ultrahigh frequency/ultrashort waves/
きみじか(adj-na,n) short-tempered/quick-tempered/impatient/
しゃこうたんcar with the body lowered/lowrider/
ニ短調ニたんちょうD minor/
ト短調トたんちょうG minor/
ヘ短調ヘたんちょうF minor/
いっちょういったん(n) merits and demerits/(something having its) advantages and disadvantages/good points and shortcomings/
ちょうたんぱ(n) ultrashort-wave/very high frequency/
ホ短調ホたんちょうE minor/
さいたん(n) shortest/
きょくちょうたんぱ(n) UHF/ultrahigh frequency/ultrashort waves/
ちょうたん(n) length/long and short/+-/(P)/
が短いきがみじかい quick-tempered/having little patience/
そうたん(n) curtailed operations/(P)/
ロ短調へんロたんちょうB flat minor (music)/
そうぎょうたんしゅく curtailment of operations/(P)/
さいたんきょり (n) shortest distance (to)/