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Kanji: Radical: (いし) : ホウ; ; heavy gun
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3185 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1151
Japanese Reading English
れいほう(n) salute (gun)/
けんつきでっぽう (n) fixed bayonet/
けいほう (n) warning shot/
はっぽう (n,vs) firing/discharge of gun/(P)/
てっぽうざ gunmakers guild/
まめでっぽう(n) peashooter/
りゅうだんぽう(n) howitzer/
やほう(n) field gun/field artillery/
ぜんそうほうmuzzle loader/
じゅうじほうか(n) cross fire/(P)/
てっぽうだま(n) gunshot/bullet/lost (truant) messenger/bulls-eye/
ひじでっぽう(n) a shot of the elbow/rejection/rebuff/
くうほう (n) blank shot or cartridge/blank ammunition/
ごほう(n) noon gun/
かんぽう(n) ship's guns/
舷砲はんげんほう broadside fire/
しゅうちゅうほうか concentrated fire/
げんしほうatomic cannon/
むはんどうほう(n) recoilless rifle/
ちょうほう (n) artillery funeral salute/
ごうほう (n) signal gun/
こうかくほう(n) high-angle or anti-aircraft gun/
きょくしゃほう(n) howitzer/high-angle gun/
しゅほう (n) main battery/main armament/
たいほう(n) gun/cannon/artillery/(P)/
たいせんしゃほう (n) antitank gun/
ぼうくうほうair defense artillery/
てっぽうだま(n) gunshot/bullet/lost (truant) messenger/bulls-eye/
びほう(n) armament/
こうしゃほう (n) antiaircraft gun/
かみでっぽう(n) popgun/origami popgun/
てっぽうみず(n) flash flood/
やみよにてっぽう (n) aimless attempt/
ほげいほう(n) (whaling) harpoon gun/
みずでっぽう(n) water pistol/squirt gun/
むてっぽう(adj-na,n) rash/reckless/
そくしゃほう(n) rapid-fire gun or cannon/
じゅうほう (n) guns/firearms/
かほう (n) artillery/
じゅうほう (n) heavy artillery/
きょほう (n) huge gun/
てっぽう (n) gun/(P)/
たいほうさんもん three cannons/
臼砲きゅうほう(n) mortar/
てっぽうゆり(n) Easter lily/
りゅうだんほう(n) howitzer/
しゅくほう(n) salute of guns/
じそうほう(n) self-propelled artillery/
てっぽう gun
はくげきほう (n) mortar/
やせんほうへい field artillery/
たいくうほうか anti-aircraft fire/flak/