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Kanji: Radical: (いし) : ; やぶ(る)、やぶ(れる)、やぶ(く); tear
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3186 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1150
Japanese Reading English
み破るふみやぶる(v5r) to walk across/to travel on foot/
びょうは (n,vs) depicting thoroughly/
からはふ(n) Chinese cusped gable/
ちゅうおうとっぱ central breakthrough/
しぜんはかい (n) destruction of nature/
り破るきりやぶる (v5r) to cut to pieces/
かんぱ (n,vs) penetration/see through/fathom/reading another's thoughts/(P)/
たいりょうはかいへいき(n) weapons of mass destruction/
を破るごくをやぶる (exp) to break prison/
とっぱ (n,vs) breaking through/breakthrough/penetration/(P)/
破りどうじょうやぶり (n) challenge another training group and defeat each member/
ごはさん (n) starting afresh/
ききとっぱ crisis relief/
破りせきしょやぶり(n) breaking through or sneaking past a barrier/
牢破りろうやぶり(n) jailbreak/
へいいはぼう(n) shabby clothes and an old hat/
み破るよみやぶる (v5r) to read through (difficult passage or particularly long book)/
たいは(n) serious damage/drubbing/
い破るいいやぶる (v5r) to argue down/to confute/
らず破らさずらっかえだにかえ らずはきょうふたたびてらさず(exp) fallen blossom doesn't return to the branch, a broken mirror can not be made to shine/what's done is done/there's no use crying over spilled milk/
翔破しょうは(n,vs) completing a flight/
どくは (n,vs) finish reading a book/
ばくは (n,vs) blast/explosion/blow up/
じょはきゅう(n) artistic modulations in traditional Japanese performances/opening, middle and climax (end)/
かんきょうはかい environmental destruction/
を破るきろくをやぶる(exp) to break the record/
スト破りストやぶり(n) strikebreaker/scab/strikebreaking/
どうは (n,vs) declaration/
はっぱ (n) explosive blast/blasting/
れんぱ (n,vs) winning successively/defeating ones enemy in succession/
を破るとをやぶる(exp) to break a door/
みを破るかこみをやぶる (exp) to break through a siege/
破りしまやぶり(n) escaping from an island exile/
を破るてきをやぶる (exp) to defeat one's enemy/
とうは (n,vs) crushing underfoot/travelling on foot/
なんぱ(n,vs) shipwreck/
破綻けいえいはたんbusiness failure/
かっぱ (n) proclamation/(P)/
破りかたやぶり (adj-na,adj-no,n) unusual/unconventional/
し破るおしやぶる(v5) to break through/
を破るかいをやぶる(exp) to break the Buddhist commandments/
破るみやぶる (v5r) to see through another's thoughts/to have a sharp eye/to penetrate/to fathom/
せんせんだんはかい shear failure/
っ破すっぱぬく(v5k) to expose/
を破るきそくをやぶる(exp) to violate the rules/
ち破るうちやぶる (v5r) to hit/
を破るかみをやぶる (exp) to tear (up) paper/
っ破すっぱぬき(n) exposure/disclosure/an "expose" (in a magazine)/
破るみやぶる(v5r) to see through another's thoughts/to have a sharp eye/to penetrate/to fathom/(P)/
すっぱぬく (v5k) to disclose/to expose/to unmask/
だは(n,vs) break down/defeat/abolish/(P)/
ろんぱ (n,vs) defeating (winning) in an argument/
破りきんこやぶり safecracking/safecracker/
ち破るうちやぶる (v5r) defeat/crush/
き破るつきやぶる (v5r) to break through/to penetrate/to pierce/
蹴破るけやぶる(v5r) to kick in or open/to smash through/
を破るてきのけんをやぶ る(exp) to break the strong defenses of the enemy/
を破るぎをやぶる(exp) to break faith with/
破綻ざいせいはたんeconomic collapse/
破りよこがみやぶり(n) acting illogically/
げきは (n,vs) crushing/
ぐうぞうはかい iconoclasm/image breaking/
そうは (n,vs) running (cover) the whole distance/
とっぱこう (n) breach/
ちゅうは (n) half damage/
破れてくにやぶれて with one's country in ruins/
しょうは (n) slight damage/