技を磨く | わざをみがく | (exp) to improve one's skill/ |
研磨紙 | けんまし | (n) sandpaper/ |
達磨忌 | だるまき
| (n) ceremony held in honor of Bodhidharma (5
October)/ |
歯磨 | はみがき | (n) dentifrice/toothpaste/ |
百戦練磨 | ひゃくせんれんま
| (n) be schooled by adversity in many
battles/veteran/ |
火達磨 | ひだるま
| (n) body covered with flames/ |
研磨材 | けんまざい | (n) abrasives/ |
靴磨き | くつみがき | (n) shoeshine/shoe polishing/ |
歯磨き | はみがき
| (n) dentifrice/toothpaste/(P)/ |
智を磨く | ちをみがく | (exp) to cultivate wisdom/ |
百戦錬磨 | ひゃくせんれんま
| (n) be schooled by adversity in many
battles/veteran/ |
練磨 | れんま | (n,vs) training/practice/cultivation/ |
達磨船 | だるません | barge/lighter/ |
研磨機 | けんまき
| (n) grinder/grinding
machine/polisher/ |
練り歯磨き | ねりはみがき
| (n) toothpaste/ |
雪達磨 | ゆきだるま | (n) snowman/ |
| たくま | (n) polish
(jewels)/cultivation/ |
消磨 | しょうま | (n) abrasion/wearing out/ |
不磨 | ふま
| (n) permanence/immortality/ |
達磨 | だるま
| (n) daruma/tumbling
doll/prostitute/(P)/ |
減磨 | げんま | (n) reduction in friction/lubrication/ |
研磨 | けんま
| (iK) (n,vs)
grinding/polishing/studying/(P)/ |
胡麻磨り | ごますり | (n) sycophant/apple-polisher/brown-noser/ |
歯磨き粉 | はみがきこ | (n) tooth powder/ |
血達磨 | ちだるま | (n) covered in blood/ |
錬磨 | れんま
| (n,vs) training/practice/cultivation/ |
切磋琢磨 | せっさたくま | (n) cultivate one's character by studying hard/diligent
application/ |