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Kanji: Radical: (いし) : ; みが(く); polish
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5393 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3181
Japanese Reading English
を磨くわざをみがく(exp) to improve one's skill/
けんまし(n) sandpaper/
だるまき (n) ceremony held in honor of Bodhidharma (5 October)/
はみがき(n) dentifrice/toothpaste/
ひゃくせんれんま (n) be schooled by adversity in many battles/veteran/
ひだるま (n) body covered with flames/
けんまざい(n) abrasives/
磨きくつみがき(n) shoeshine/shoe polishing/
磨きはみがき (n) dentifrice/toothpaste/(P)/
智を磨くちをみがく(exp) to cultivate wisdom/
ひゃくせんれんま (n) be schooled by adversity in many battles/veteran/
れんま(n,vs) training/practice/cultivation/
けんまき (n) grinder/grinding machine/polisher/
磨きねりはみがき (n) toothpaste/
ゆきだるま(n) snowman/
琢磨 たくま(n) polish (jewels)/cultivation/
しょうま(n) abrasion/wearing out/
ふま (n) permanence/immortality/
だるま (n) daruma/tumbling doll/prostitute/(P)/
げんま(n) reduction in friction/lubrication/
けんま (iK) (n,vs) grinding/polishing/studying/(P)/
磨りごますり(n) sycophant/apple-polisher/brown-noser/
磨きはみがきこ(n) tooth powder/
ちだるま(n) covered in blood/
れんま (n,vs) training/practice/cultivation/
磋琢磨せっさたくま(n) cultivate one's character by studying hard/diligent application/