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Kanji: Radical: (のぎ) : ゼイ; ; tax
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3287 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1191
Japanese Reading English
しゅうぜい(n) tax collection/taxation/
じゅうかぜい(n) ad valorem duty/
りゅうつうぜい(n) circulation tax/
よていのうぜい prepayment of income taxes/
けんみんぜいtax on the residents of the prefecture/
のうぜいしんこく income tax return/
じゅうみんぜい(n) municipal tax/
むぜい (n) duty-free/tax-free/(P)/
ゆうぜい (n) postage/(P)/
かぜいりつ(n) tax rate/
つうこうぜい (n) toll/
にじゅうかぜい double taxation/
いんしぜい(n) stamp duty/
ふぜい (n) urban prefectural tax/
かおくぜい(n) house tax/
そうぞくぜい (n) inheritance tax/
しゅぜいきょく(n) (Japan's) Tax Bureau/
貿かんぜいぼうえきいっぱ んきょうていGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/GATT/
かこうぜい processing tax/
じゅうかさんぜい (n) heavy additional tax(ation)/
るいしんぜい(n) progressive tax/
じんとうぜい(n) poll tax/
かりのうぜい tax payment under protest/
ぶんりかぜい separate taxation/
にじゅうぜいdouble duty/
しんぜい(n) new tax/
ちぜいland tax/
かんぷぜい tax refund/
ぞうこくぜい(n) brewing tax/
かぜい (n,vs) taxation/(P)/
にんとうぜい(n) poll tax/
ぞうよぜい (n) donation tax/
じどうしゃぜい (n) an automobile tax/
こくぜい (n) national tax/(P)/
ふかぜい(n) additional tax/
かさんぜい(n) additional tax/
しゅうぜいかんrevenue officer/
ふゆうぜい(n) wealth tax/
のうぜい (n) payment of taxes/(P)/
めんぜいひょうduty-free list/
とっけいかんぜい favourable tariff/
しゅうぜいり(n) tax collector/
ゆうぜい (n) taxable/
ちょくせつぜい(n) direct tax/
にゅうこくぜいalien tax/landing tax/
ぞうぜい (n) tax increase/(P)/
めんぜいしょとく tax-free income/
えんぜい salt tax/
りしへいこうぜいinterest equalization tax/
ほぜい (n) customs bond/
かんぜいわりあてせいtariff quota system/
ざつぜい (n) miscellaneous taxes/
のうぜいがくamount of tax due/
こくぜいちょう(Japanese) National Tax Administration Agency/
じゅうぜい(n) heavy taxation/
いんぜい (n) royalty (on book)/(P)/
だつぜい (n,vs) tax evasion/(P)/
ちょくぜい (n) direct tax/
こくないしょうひぜいexcise tax/
ちほうこうふぜい (n) tax allocated to local governments/
いさんそうぞくぜい inheritance tax/
げんぜい (n) tax reduction/
しゅうぜいしょtax-collection office/
ねんぜい (n) annual tax/
かんぜいじしゅけんtariff autonomy/
かぜいこうじょ exemption/
かんせつぜい(n) indirect tax/
そうごうかぜい tax on aggregate income/
るいげんぜい(n) regressive taxation/
しんこくのうぜい self-assessed tax payment/
ぶっぴんぜい(n) excise/
かんぜいりつ tariff rate/
じゅうりょうぜい(n) (taxation) a specific duty/
しょとくぜい(n) income tax/(P)/
じぎょうぜい(n) business tax/
げんせんかぜい tax withholding at the source/
たがくのうぜいしゃ(n) top taxpayer/
こくぜいきょく(n) revenue/
かんぜいかいひtariff avoidance/
ぞうぜいあんtax increase proposal/
ゆうきょうぜいentertainment tax/
ちくけんぜいdog tax/
しょうひぜい (n) consumption tax/
めんぜい (n,vs) tax exemption/duty exemption/(P)/
かんぜいしょうへきtariff barrier/
ふかかちぜい (n) value-added tax/(P)/
せつぜい (n) tax reduction/
ぶんよぜいtax allotment (to local government)/
ちほうぜい(n) local taxes/
しんしゅくぜいりつ flexible tariff/
めんぜいてん(n) tax exemption limit/
ごけいかんぜい reciprocal duties or tarrifs/
かんぜい (n) customs/duty/tariff/(P)/
えんたいぜい(n) taxes in arrears/
ぶつぜい (n) tax on goods and personal possessions/
こくぜい(n) heavy taxation/
ふぜい taxation/(P)/
ほごぜいprotective duty/
のうぜいつうちしょ(n) tax notice/
しぜい (n) city tax/
ゆにゅうぜい(n) import duties/
苛税かぜい(n) heavy taxation/
さべつかんぜいdifferential duties/selective taxation/
ついちょうぜいtax penalty/
ほごかんぜいprotective tariff/
あくぜい (n) irrational tax/
げんせんしょとくぜいincome tax withheld at the source/
ふどうさんしゅとくぜ い(n) real estate acquisition tax/
めんぜいひんduty-free articles/
るいしんかぜい progressive taxation/graduated taxation/
こうわんぜい harbor duties/
そうさいかんぜい countervailing duty/
けつぜい (n) heavy taxation/conscription/
にゅうこうぜいport dues (fees)/
ほごかんぜいりつprotective tariff/
ほぜいちいき bonded area (i.e. customs)/
ゆしゅつぜい(n) export duties/
しゅうぜいにんtax collector/
そぜい(n) taxes/taxation/(P)/
ざいさんぜい(n) property tax/
ゆうぜいひんtaxable goods/
しみんぜい (n) municipal tax/
くみんぜい(n) a ward tax/
ほうじんぜい(n) corporation tax/
こうかんぜいか (high) tariff protection/tariff jumping/
むぜいひん (n) duty-free goods/
ほぜいそうこ bonded warehouse/
しゅぜい (n) liquor tax/
かぜいしょとく taxable income/
ゆうめいぜい(n) the price of fame/noblesse oblige/
ちょうぜい (n) tax collection/taxation/(P)/
けんぜい (n) prefectural tax/
にゅうじょうぜい(n) admission tax/
ひかぜい(n) tax exemption/
めんぜいてんduty-free store/
ぶつのうぜいa tax in kind/