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Kanji: Radical: (のぎ) : シュ; たね; kind, seed
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3295 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1218
Japanese Reading English
しょしゅ(n) various kinds/
げすおんな(n) woman of low rank/term of degradation for a woman/
いくしゅじょ (plant) nursery/
べっしゅ (n) another kind/distinct species/variety/
げんしゅ(n) pure breed/
じんしゅさべつ racial discrimination/
さんしゅ (n) three kinds/three varieties/
どうしゅどうぶん (n) same race and same language/
きしゅ (n) noble birth/
りょうしゅ both kinds/
じんしゅ(n) race (of people)/(P)/
おつしゅ (n) second grade/
こうしゅ (n) tilling and sowing/
さいばいしゅagricultural species/
きしゅ (n) type of equipment/
いしゅ (adj-na,n) different kind (species, variety)/heterologous/heterogenous/
ひとつぶだね (n) an only child/
たしゅ (adj-na,n) many kinds/various/
にくようしゅ(n) animal bred for its meat/
へいしゅ (n) class C/third class/
やくしゅ (n) drugs/
ぎょうしゅ (n) type of industry/
へいしゅ (n) branch of an army/
ひとくさ (adv,n) a species/a kind/a variety/
こんしゅご (n) hybrid term combining elements drawn from different languages/
の種ふあんのたね reason for concern/(P)/
ひんしゅかいりょう selective breeding/
りょうしゅ(n) good seed or breed/
いくしゅか(plant) breeder/
へんしゅ (n) variety/mutation/freak/novelty/exception/hybrid/eccentric personality/(P)/
ざっしゅ(n) hybrid/
しゃしゅ(n) car make/car model/
やだね (n) one's supply of arrows/
とくだね (n) exclusive news/a scoop/
しぐさ (n) behavior/gestures/acting/
しちぐさ (n) article for pawning/
ひとくいじんしゅ cannibals/
り種かわりだね (io) (n) novelty/exception/hybrid/mutation/variety/freak/eccentric personality/
にしゅ(n) second-class (mail)/
ようしゅ (n) Western or foreign type/
じゅんしゅ purebred/thoroughbred/
いっしゅ (adv,n) a species/a kind/a variety/(P)/
じんしゅがく (n) ethnology/
みの種なやみのたね cause of annoyance/
しょくしゅ (n) type of occupation/occupational category/
きゃくだね(n) clientele/
じんしゅさべつしゅぎ しゃracist/
なたねあぶら(n) rapeseed oil/canola oil/
いくしゅ (n,vs) (plant) breeding/
い種わらいぐさ (n) laughingstock/byword/
かくしゅ (n) every kind/all sorts/(P)/
ひだね (n) live coals (for firelighting)/remains of fire/
この種このしゅ(adj-no) this kind of/
かくしゅがっこうvocational school/
え種もえぐさ kindling/
ひんしゅ (n) brand/kind/description/(P)/
きんだいごしゅきょうぎ the modern pentathlon/
たしゅたよう (adj-na,n) a great variety of/diversity/
しんしゅ(n) new species/new variety/
なたね (n) rapeseed/coleseed/(P)/
どうぶんどうしゅ same race and same script/
播種はしゅ(n,vs) sowing/seeding/planting/
じっしゅきょうぎ (n) decathlon/
ものだね (n) origin/fundamental element/
種のさんしゅのじんぎ the Three Sacred Treasures (Mirror, Sword and Jewels)/
こだね(n) children/descendants/
じんしゅかいりょう racial eugenics/
ホルスタイン種ホルスタインしゅ Holstein (cattle type)/Holstein-Friesian/
ざいらいしゅ (n) native species/
こうはいしゅ(n) a crossbreed/
わり種かわりだね (n) novelty/exception/hybrid/mutation/variety/freak/eccentric personality/
せっしゅ(n) inoculation/vaccination/
なたねがらrapeseed hulls/
あしゅ (n,adj-no) sub-species/
あかげわしゅ type of Japanese cow/
い種いいぐさ (n) one's words or remarks/an excuse/
もうこじんしゅ the Mongoloid race/
だんしゅ (n) sterilization/castration/
なたねづゆ (n) long spell of rain in early spring/
げす(adj-na,n) person of humble rank/humble person/
さんしゅ(n) silkworm-egg card/
こうしゅ (n) A-grade/first class/(P)/
どうしゅるいthe same kind/
かいりょうしゅ (n) improved strain/improved breed/
おうしょくじんしゅyellow race/
艶種 つやだね(n) love affair/love rumour/
いきしゅ (n) difference machine/
げすこんじょう mean feelings/
はくじんしゅ(n) white race/
り種かたりぐさ (n) story/topic/
じんしゅもんだい a race problem/
便だいさんしゅゆうびんぶつ(n) third-class mail matter/
よぼうせっしゅ immunization/vaccination/
どうじんしゅracial identity/same race/
しょくじんしゅ(n) cannibals/
の種はなしのたねtopic of conversation/
どうしゅ (n) same kind (race)/homogeneousness/
とくしゅ(n) special kind/
の種をりょうりのたねをしこむ(exp) to prepare for cooking/
しんぶんだね(n) news source or topic/
えてしまった種たえてし まったしゅextinct species/
こくしょくじんしゅ black race/