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Kanji: Radical: (のぎ) : スイ; ; ear
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3300 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1232
Japanese Reading English
かすい(n) spike/
くろぼ(n) smut/
くろほ(n) smut/
ぎ穂つぎほ(n) (1) (a) graft/(2) scion/
ち穂おちぼひろい(n) act of picking up crop left after harvesting/name of painting by Millet/
ち穂おちぼ(n) fallen ears (of grain)/
り穂たりほ (n) drooping ears (of grain)/
いなほ (n) ear (head) of rice/(P)/
瑞穂のみずほのくにJapan, the Land of Abundant Rice/
しゅっすいきsprouting season (of ears of grain)/
り穂かりほ (n) harvested grain/
はつほ (n) first ears of rice or crops or harvest of the season/
しゅっすい(n) appearance of ears of grain/
ぎ穂つぎほ (n) (1) (a) graft/(2) scion/
くろほびょう(n) smut/