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Kanji: Radical: (たつ) : タン; はし、はた、は; end
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3363 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1221
Japanese Reading English
の端でいけのはたでnear (by) the pond/
がり端あがりはな (n) entrance/deluxe edition/
では (n) chance of going out/opportunity (to succeed)/moment of departure/beginning of work/
きょくたん (adj-na,n) extreme/extremity/(P)/
とうたん (n) east end/eastern tip/
はったん (n) twilled fabric/
れっ端きれっぱし (n) scraps/cut end/cut-off piece/
さたん (n) left end/left edge/
さいせんたん(adj-no,n) ultra-fine/(P)/
ろばたやきfood cooked on a grill/
いたんしゃ(n) heretic/
しゅうたん(n) terminus/terminal/
みちばた (n) roadside/wayside/(P)/
そうたん(n) beginning of a dispute/
いたん (n) heresy/(P)/
ひったん (n) tip of a brush or pen/(force of a) writing style/
のきば(n) eaves/edge of the eaves/
せんたんしじりょくend bearing capacity/
りくじょうたんきょくそ うちland terminal equipment (of a submarine cable)/
りっ端きりっぱしscraps/cut end/cut-off piece/
ほりばた (n) side of a moat/
しゅつりょくたんし (n) output terminal/
いったん (n) one end/a part/
ぜんたん (n) front end/
せんたんぎじゅつ high-technology/
たたん (adj-na,n) many items/pressure of business/
せんたん(n) opening of hostilities/
めはし (n) quick witted/
端にとたんに (adv) just as/in the act of/
でばな (n) chance of going out/opportunity (to succeed)/moment of departure/beginning of work/
いどばたかいぎcontent-free chat/idle gossip/
尖端せんたん(n) pointed end/tip/fine point/spearhead/cusp/vanguard/advanced/leading edge/
かたわ (adj-na,n) crippled/deformed/
の端やまのは (n) edge (brow) of mountain/
ほくたん (n) northern extremity/
せんたんてき(adj-na) ultramodern/leading/
紐の端ひものはしend of a string/
の端きのはし fragment of wood/
さいほくたん(n) northernmost tip (of country)/
っ端こっぱ (n) wood chip/worthless thing or person/
まったんかかくretail or street price/
としは (n) age/years/
ひだりはし (n) left end/left edge/
まったん (n) end/tip/extremities/(P)/
いたんし(n) heresy/
かんたんend of wind instrument/
あっちゃくたんし (n) crimp contact/
とったん (n) tip of a headland/point/
しゅようぶしゅうたんが たhead-final/
ほったん (n) the beginning/(P)/
たじたたん (adj-na,n) eventfulness/pressure of business/
っ端こっぱみじん (n,vs) (uk) broken into small fragments/smashed to atoms/smithereens/
こうたん(n) (tail) end/
っ端したっぱ (n) underling/lower position/
はんぱもの(n) blockhead/
ちゅうとはんぱ(adj-na,n) halfway/half measures/unfinished/incomplete/by halves/
とっぱな (n) tip of a headland/point/
じょうたん (n) top/tip/
いっぱし (adv,n) like other people/
の端みちのはし edge of a street/
ろばた (n) fireside/hearth/by the fire/
端にちだきょくたんにはしり がちだbe apt to go to extremes/
ふなばた (n) side of a boat/
はんぱもの(n) odds and ends/
っ端こっぱやくにん (n) petty official/
りょうはし (n) both ends/either end/both edges/sitting on the fence/(P)/
かたん(n) lower end/
れ端きれはし(n) scraps/cut end/cut-off piece/
端をせんたんをひらく(exp) to open hostilities/to take up arms (against)/
はんぱ(adj-na,n) remnant/fragment/incomplete set/fraction/odd sum/incompleteness/(P)/
りょうたん(n) both ends/either end/both edges/sitting on the fence/
びたん(n) nose tip/
りょうきょくたん (n) both extremes/
姿ようしたんれい attractive face and figure/
こっぱみじん(n,vs) (uk) broken into small fragments/smashed to atoms/smithereens/
せんたん(n) pointed end/tip/fine point/spearhead/cusp/vanguard/advanced/leading edge/(P)/
いどばた(n) side of well/
り端きりはし (n) scraps/cut end/cut-off piece/
なんたん (n) southern tip/
っ端からかたっぱしから (adv) absolutely every little bit/everything from A to Z/
り端ねいりばな (n) first stage of sleep/
へいたん (n) hostilities/beginning of hostilities/
しょじばんたんeverything/all things/
うたん (n) right end/right edge/
みぎはし (n) right end/right edge/
ではな (n) chance of going out/opportunity (to succeed)/moment of departure/beginning of work/
ばいたいしゅうたん end of medium (EM)/
とたん (n) just (now, at the moment, etc.)/(P)/
へいたんclosed end/bocca chiusa/end of wind instrument/
かたはし(n) one edge/one end/one side/
かわばた (n) riverbank/
ぜったん (n) tip of the tongue/speech/way of talking/
ばんたん(n) all/everything/
あつぎたんし (n) crimp contact/