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Kanji: Radical: (たけ) : ; ; sign
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3383 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2661
Japanese Reading English
符をきっぷをきる (exp) to rip off a coupon/to punch a ticket/
もじふごうけい character coding system/
しんぷ (n) amulet/a charm/
はちぶおんぷ (n) 8th note/
はんきっぷhalf-price ticket/
かんたんふ(n) exclamation point/exclamation mark/
わりふ (n) tally/score/check/
しぶんおんぷ (n) quarter note/crotchet/
れんらくきっぷ (n) connection (interline) ticket/
し符くりかえしふごう repetition symbol/repetition of the previous character/
ごふ(n) talisman/amulet/charm/(P)/
り符わりふ (n) tally/score/check/
きっぷうりば ticket window/box office/ticket/
ふふごうminus sign/
きっぷうり ticket seller/
もじふごうかほう character encoding scheme/
さんじゅうにぶおんぷ 32nd note/
はんだくおんふ maru mark/semivoiced sound/p-sound/
めんざいふ (n) indulgence/
とおしきっぷthrough ticket/
呪符 じゅふ(n) amulet/charm/
あかぎっぷ (n) third-class ticket/
せいふごうplus sign/
ぜんおんぷ (n) whole note/
ぎもんふ(n) question mark/
きゅうふ (n) rest (in music)/
し符くりかえしふごう repetition symbol/repetition of the previous character/
てんすうきっぷration-point coupon/
い符あいじるし (n) comradeship badge/distinguishing mark/
かたみちきっぷone-way ticket/
じゅうろくおんぷ 16th note/
きゅうしふ(n) rest (music)/period/full stop/
ぜんきゅうしふ whole rest (music)/
おうふくきっぷ a round-trip ticket/
ちょうおんぷ(n) macron/
ていおんぷ (obs) rest (music)/
きっぷ ticket
にぶんおんぷ(n) half note/minim/
きっぷ (n) ticket/(P)/
しぶおんぷ (n) quarter note/crotchet/
ろくじゅうしぶおんぷ 64th note/
符をめるきっぷをあらためる(exp) to examine tickets/
おんぷ (n) (musical) note/(P)/
きっぷきりticket punch/ticket puncher/
わりびききっぷ (n) reduced fare ticket/
いんようふ(n) quotation marks/
しゅうしふ(n) full stop/period/end/(P)/
にぶおんぷ (n) half note/minim/
きっぷうりば ticket window/box office/ticket/(P)/
歎符かんたんふ(n) exclamation point/exclamation mark/