二筋道 | ふたすじみち
| (n) branch roads/crossroads/ |
咀嚼筋 | そしゃくきん | (n) muscle of mastication/ |
伸筋 | しんきん
| (n) protractor muscle/ |
確かな筋 | たしかなすじ
| reliable source/ |
括約筋 | かつやくきん | (adj-na,n) sphincter/ |
二頭筋 | にとうきん | (n) biceps/ |
鼻筋 | はなすじ | (n) bridge of nose/ |
町筋 | まちすじ
| (n) street/ |
骨格筋 | こっかくきん | (n) skeletal muscle/ |
主筋 | しゅすじ
| (n) people close to the head man/ |
権威筋 | けんいすじ | authoritative sources/ |
腹筋 | はらすじ
| (n,vs) (1) sit-up/(2) abdominal
muscles/ |
随意筋 | ずいいきん
| (n) a voluntary muscle/ |
試筋 | ためすじ
| patron/effective means/ |
家筋 | いえすじ
| (n) lineage/pedigree/family line/ |
頸筋 | くびすじ | (n) nape of the neck/back of the neck/scruff of the
neck/ |
腹筋 | ふくきん | (n,vs) (1) sit-up/(2) abdominal muscles/ |
心筋 | しんきん
| (n) heart muscle/myocardium/ |
政府筋 | せいふすじ | (n) government sources/official quarters/ |
一筋繩 | ひとすじなわ
| a piece of rope/an ordinary
method/ |
来客筋 | らいきゃくすじ
| customers/clients/ |
本筋 | ほんすじ
| (n) main thread (of a story)/ |
一筋 | ひとすじ
| (adj-na,n) a
line/earnestly/blindly/straightforwardly/ |
腹筋運動 | ふっきんうんどう
| (n) exercise to strengthen one's abdominal
muscles/ |
素人筋 | しろうとすじ
| (n) lay public/ |
腹筋 | ふっきん
| (n,vs) (1) sit-up/(2) abdominal
muscles/ |
横筋 | よこすじ | (n) transversal/lateral stripes/ |
鉄筋 | てっきん
| (n) rebar/(concrete) iron reinforcing
bar/(P)/ |
血筋 | ちすじ | (n) lineage/stock/strain/blood relationship/ |
首筋を違える | くびすじをちがえる
| (exp) to wrench one's neck/ |
東海道筋の町 | とうかいどうすじのまち | towns on the Tokaido/ |
商売筋 | しょうばいすじ | business connections/ |
一筋の涙 | ひとすじのなみだ | a trickle of tears/ |
子宮筋腫 | しきゅうきんしゅ | fibroid/uterine myoma/ |
上腕筋 | じょうわんきん | brachial muscle/ |
道筋 | みちすじ
| (n) path/route/itinerary/ |
一筋道 | ひとすじみち | (n) a straight road/ |
背筋 | せすじ
| (n) (1) the muscles along the spine/dorsal
muscles/(2) spinal column/(3) seam in the back/back seam/ |
粗筋 | あらすじ
| (n) outline/summary/(P)/ |
大手筋 | おおてすじ | (n) large-scale operators/big traders/ |
横紋筋 | おうもんきん | (n) striated muscle/ |
背筋 | はいきん
| (n) (1) the muscles along the spine/dorsal
muscles/(2) spinal column/(3) seam in the back/back seam/ |
太刀筋 | たちすじ | (n) swordsmanship/ |
心筋梗塞 | しんきんこうそく
| (n) heart attack/myocardial
infarction/ |
首筋 | くびすじ | (n) nape of the neck/back of the neck/scruff of the
neck/ |
豆の筋を取る | まめのすじをとる
| (exp) to string peas/ |
三頭筋 | さんとうきん | triceps/ |
毛筋 | けすじ | (n) hair/hairline/minor details/ |
屈筋 | くっきん
| (n) flexor muscle/ |
消息筋 | しょうそくすじ | (n) informed circles/ |
金筋 | きんすじ
| (n) gold stripes/ |
補強筋 | ほきょうきん | reinforcement bar/ |
表情筋 | ひょうじょうきん | (n) mimetic muscles/ |
骨皮筋右衛門 | ほねかわすじえもん
| reduced to skin and bones/ |
客筋 | きゃくすじ
| (n) clientele/ |
鉄筋コンクリート | てっきん
コンクリート | (n) iron reinforced
concrete/ |
青筋 | あおすじ | (n) vein (esp. in head)/ |
長生きの筋 | ながいきのすじ | long-lived family/ |
一筋 | ひとすき
| (adj-na,n) a
line/earnestly/blindly/straightforwardly/ |
玄人筋 | くろうとすじ | (n) professionals/ |
川筋 | かわすじ
| (n) course of a river/land along a
river/ |
手筋 | てすじ | (n) lines of the palm/aptitude/handwriting/apt move (in
a go or shogi game)/standard method/ |
一筋縄 | ひとすじなわ
| (n) a (piece of) rope/ordinary
means/ |
芝居の筋 | しばいのすじ
| plot of a play/ |
背筋力 | はいきんりょく | (n) strength of one's back/ |
不随意筋 | ふずいいきん
| (n) involuntary muscles/ |
三角筋 | さんかくきん | (n) deltoid (muscle)/ |
大筋 | おおすじ
| (n) outline/summary/ |
背筋が寒くなる | せすじがさむくなる | a chill runs down one's spine/ |