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Kanji: Radical: (たけ) : サン; ; calculate
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3415 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2702
Japanese Reading English
けっさんき (n) accounting period/
せきさんほう(n) integration/
たんどくけっさん unconsolidated balance sheet/single-company balance sheet/
せきさんでんりょくけい watt-hour meter/
せいさんがいしゃ liquidation company/
せいさんしょ(n) statement of accounts/
いさん (n) miscalculation/
かさんき(n) adder (written)/adding machine/
けっさんほうこく financial statement/
えんざんてじゅん algorithm/
けいさんしゃnon-electronic computer (i.e. person carrying out computation)/
かんさん(n,vs) conversion/change/exchange/(P)/
ごさん (n) miscalculation/(P)/
せいさんとりひき open account transaction/
きょうどうけいさん pooling/joint account/
じゅうかさんぜい (n) heavy additional tax(ation)/
卦算けいさん(n) paperweight/
えんざんきprocessor (as in computer chip)/
け算かけざんきmultiplier (spoken)/
さいさん (n) profit/(P)/
えんざん (n) operation/
ださん (n,vs) calculation/self-interest/selfishness/
かんざん (n,vs) conversion/change/exchange/
けいさんもんだい (n) numerical calculation/
しょうぎょうさんじゅつ commercial arithmetic/
むりさんだん (n) scraping together (a sum of money)/raising (a sum of money) by straining one's credit/
がっさん (n,vs) adding up/totalling/
せきさん (n,vs) addition/add up/estimate/
ごはさん(n) starting afresh/
むねざんよう(n) calculating in one's head/
れんぽうよさん federal budget/
かんざんひょう(n) conversion table/
かさんき(n) adder (written)/adding machine/
ふどうしょうすうてんえんざんきこう floating-point arithmetic unit (computer)/
ほせいよさんrevised or supplementary budget/
でんさんき(n) electronic computer/
かさん (adj-na,n) add/addition/
かさんぜい(n) additional tax/
はさん (n,vs) checking/figuring/doing again/
めのこざん (n) rough estimate/mental arithmetic/
けいさんちがい miscalculation/
けいさんしょ(n) statement of account/
よさんあん(n) draft budget/
せいさん (n) Emperor's age/
えんざんし(n) operator (math)/
けいさんだかい(adj) calculating/
がいさん (n) approximation/rough estimate/(P)/
でんしけいさんき computer/
ろんりえんざん logic operation/logical operation/
むなざんよう(n) calculating in one's head/
鼠算ねずみざん(n) geometric progression/proliferation/multiplying like rats/
え算くわえざん(n) addition/
せいさんにん (n) adjustor/liquidator/
鼠算ねずみさん(n) geometric progression/proliferation/multiplying like rats/
もくさん(n,vs) expectations/anticipation/calculation/estimate/plan/
アナログアナログけいさんき (n) analog computer/
げんざん (n) subtraction/
し算たしざん (n) addition/(P)/
そくさん (n) rapid calculation/
しゅうせいよさん revised budget/
ひきざん (n) subtraction/(P)/
せいさんきfare adjustement machine
せいさん (n) liquidation/settlement/(P)/
るいさのんど cumulative temperature/anthropoid/
しさんひょう(n) trial balance sheet/
かわざんよう(n) counting one's chickens before they've hatched/
算をよさんをけずる (exp) to curtail a budget/
きさん (n) starting to count/
さいさんかぶinvestment stocks/
けいさんき(n) computer/calculator/
わりざん (n) division (math)/
あおてんじょうよさんlimitless budget/
えんざんせいど operational precision/
そんえきけいさんしょprofit and loss statement/
すいさん (n) estimation/
つうさん (n,vs) total/
こうそくえんざんきこう high-speed arithmetic unit (computer)/
しさん(n,vs) trial calculation/
け算かけざん (n) multiplication/(P)/
けいさんせいぶつがくcomputational biology/
るいさん (n) total/
けっさん (n) balance sheet/settlement of accounts/(P)/
うらやさんa diviner/
じょうざん(n) multiplication/
せいさん (n) exact calculation/squaring of accounts/(P)/
みずましよさんbudget of padded (empty) figures/
そうよさん(n) complete budget/
がいさんようきゅうrequest for budgetary appropriations/
れんけつけっさん consolidated balance sheet/
ださんてき(adj-na) calculating/mercenary/(P)/
ぎゃくさん (n,vs) count/calculate back/
き算ひきざん (n) subtraction/(P)/
すうちけいさん numeric operation/numeric calculation/
きんじけいさんrough or approximate calculation/
うんざん (n) mathematical operation/calculation/
しゅざん(n) calculation with abacus/(P)/
きんこうよさん balanced budget/
簿けいさんぼaccount book/
よさんestimate, budget
いっぱんめいれいえんざ んきこうgeneral instruction unit (computer)/
ひっさん(n) calculating on paper/
けいさんぎ(n) computer-tree/
ちょうへいれつけいさん きmassively parallel computer/
シフトシフトえんざんきこうshift arithmetic unit (computer)/
せいさんしょliquidation statement or account/
けいさんじゃく (n) slide rule/
でんさん (n) (abbr) electronic computation/computer/
みけっさん outstanding (account)/
し算たしざんきadder (spoken)/
しんさん (n) intention/
せいさん (n) confidence in success/(P)/
よさんふそく budget deficit/
かんさんりつconversion rate/(P)/
よさんじょう(adj-no) budgetary/
ほうさん (n) the Emperor's age/
ほんよさん(n) main budget/
どくりつさいさんせい(n) a self-supporting accounting system/
ざんていよさん provisional budget/
よさんそち budgetary provision/
げんかけいさん cost accounting/
けいさんき(n) computer/calculator/
し算ためしざん (n) checking/
けんざん (n,vs) verification of accounts/checking figures/
よさんがい (n) outside the budget/
そうけっさん(n) complete financial statement/
でんそろ electronic calculator combined with a soroban/
じょうざんき multiplier (written)/
けっさんび(n) settlement day/day of reckoning/
せ算よせざん (n) addition/adding up/
しんざん (n) intention/
よさん (n) estimate/budget/(P)/
り算やりくりさんだん (n) managing to get by/
こうさん (n) probability/(P)/
算シートぶんさんほしょうりょくけいさんシート dispersion compensation calculation sheet/
ぶあいざん (n) percentage calculation/
らぬ狸のとらぬたぬきのかわざん よう(exp) don't count your chickens before they're hatched/
たんじゅんけいさんsimple calculation/
けんざん (n,vs) verification of accounts/checking figures/
けいさんきまinside the computer/
さいさんわれbelow the break-even point/
かんさんひょう(n) conversion table/
ついかよさん supplementary budget/
じょざん (n) division (arith.)/
げ算よみあげざん(n) having the figures read aloud by another person/calculation by abacus/
り算わりざん(n) division (math)/(P)/
かけざん (n) multiplication/
しょうさん (n) prospects of victory/chances of success/
あんざん(n,vs) mental arithmetic/(P)/
けいさん (n,vs) calculation/reckoning/(P)/
せいさんじょ(n) fare adjustment office/