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Kanji: Radical: (たけ) : セツ、セチ; ふし; season, joint
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3402 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2691
Japanese Reading English
の節たけのふしnode (joint) of a bamboo/
調じゅたいちょうせつbirth control/
嘉節 かせつ(n) auspicious occasion/
使しせつだん mission/delegation/
おぎえぶし(n) type of Japanese music/
きせつへんい seasonal variation/
おせっかい(adj-na,n) meddling/nosy/
おりふし (adv,n) occasionally/at times/the season/from time to time/
たんせつsimple link/
きよもとぶし (n) a school of ballad drama/
きせつ (n) season/(P)/
しょうせつ (n) (musical) bar/
いっせつ (n) a verse (e.g. in the Bible)/stanza/paragraph/passage/a joint/section/a tune/note/strain/measure/
とこぶし(n) ear shell/
り節おりふし(adv,n) occasionally/at times/the season/from time to time/
そうじゅうせつ (n) the Double Tenth/October 10/the Chinese national holiday/
ばんこんさくせつ(n) hard to penetrate event or situation/
たんおんせつ(adj-no) monosyllabic/
けっせつ (n) knot/nodule/tubercule/
わしい節うたがわしいふ しdubious points/
おいわけぶし(n) horse driver's song/
じせつがらのおくりものseasonable gift/
はつぜっく(n) baby's first annual festival/
の節ごがつのせっく Boy's Festival/
しょうせつ (n) chapters and sections/chapter and verse/
きせつてき (adj-na) seasonal/
此の節このせつ(n-adv) these days/now/recently/
しょうぶんせつsmall paragraph (WNN)/
ぶんせつ (n) paragraph/phrase/
じせつがら (n-adv,n) in these times/
しじゅんせつ(n) Lent/
いちおんせつ monosyllable/
おけさ節おけさぶし(n) okesa song/
ひとふしうたうto sing a tune/
なにわぶし(n) naniwabushi/a kind of sung narrative popular during Edo period/
れたさびれたきせつ dead season/
の節ゆびのふし knuckle/
けいひせつやく (n) curtailment of expenditure/financial retrenchment/
さんだいせつ (n) the three big national holidays/
おんせつ(n) syllable/
ばんせつ(n-adv,n-t) late in life/one's later years/
っ節うでっぷし (n) physical strength/
り節なまりぶし (n) boiled and half-dried bonito/
こかんせつhip joint/
こかんせつ(n) hip joint/coxa/
だいぶんせつlarge paragraph (wnn)/
くせつ phrases and clauses/
使しせつ (n) envoy/embassy/mission/delegate/(P)/
じゅうぞくせつ (n) subordinate clause/
にじゅうしせっき(n) 24 divisions of the solar year/24 terms used to denote the changing of the seasons/
調しきさいちょうせつcolor control/
り節けずりぶし(n) flaked bonito/(P)/
ほんぶし (n) top-quality dried bonito/
きせつはずれ(n) end of season/(P)/
かせつ (n) auspicious occasion/
かんせつわざ(n) locking technique in judo/
鰹節かつおぶし(oK) (n) small pieces of sliced dried bonito/
くせつ(n) unswerving determination/
じゅうせつ subordinate clause/
ごせつ (n) the five festivals (Jan 1, March 3, May 5, July 7 and Sep 9)/
ほんせつthis chapter/this passage/this section/
お節おせっかい(adj-na,n) meddling/nosy/(P)/
ひとふし (n) a verse (e.g. in the Bible)/stanza/paragraph/passage/a joint/section/a tune/note/strain/measure/
せっきょうぶし (n) sutra-based ballads accompanied by the samisen/
しげんせつやく conservation of resources/
がくせつ (n) musical passage or section/
きせつろうどう seasonal labor/
おんせつしゅおん syllabic/
きせつろうどうしゃseasonal laborer/
きせつふう(n) seasonal winds/(P)/
ぶんせつすうnumber of phrases/
ちゅうせつ (n) loyalty/allegiance/fidelity/
リンパ節リンパせつ(n) lymph node/
ひとよぎり(n) one-jointed bamboo musical instrument/
おんせつしゅおんてきしいんsyllabic consonant/
とうせつ (n-adv,n-t) nowadays/these days/
はつぜっく(n) baby's first annual festival/
きせつ season
てんちょうせつ(n) Emperor's Birthday/
しゅせつ principal clause/
こっけいせつ(n) anniversary of founding (of PRC)/national celebration time/(P)/
しつかんせつ(n) knee joint/
へんせつ (n) apostasy/betrayal/
おせちりょうり food served during the New Year's Holidays/
調ちょうせつ(n,vs) regulation/adjustment/control/(P)/
ぎだゆうぶし (n) music in gidayuu ballad drama/
淋巴節りんぱせつlymph node/
の節まえのせつformer section (stanza)/
まっせつ (n) minor details/nonessentials/
ていせつ (adj-na,n) chastity/virtue/fidelity/(P)/
ばんぐせつ (n) April Fool's Day/
きょくせつ (n) tune/
しようまっせつ unimportant details/unessentials/(lit) branches and leaves/
ごせっく (n) the 5 festivals (1 Jan, 3 Mar, 5 May, 7 Jul and 9 Sep)/
かんせつ(n) joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc)/(P)/
むせっそう (adj-na,n) inconstant/unchastity/unprincipled/
節リウマチかんせつりうまちrheumatoid arthritis/
れいせつ (n) decorum/propriety/politeness/
ぜんせつ (n) preceding paragraph, section, or verse/
ふぞくせつ subordinate clause/
ぶんせつ (n) articulation/
しんせつ (n) loyalty to one's master/
なまぶし (n) half-dried bonito/
しんけいせつ(adj-na,n) ganglion/ganglia/
お節おせちりょうり food served during the New Year's Holidays/(P)/
ふせつ(n) tally/check/
っ節ほねっぷし (n) joint/backbone/spirit/
じゅなんせつ(n) Lent/
調おんどちょうせつ(n) temperature control/
の節さんがつのせっく Girls' Doll Festival (in March)/
かんせつえん(adj-na,n) arthritis/
じせつ (n) season/the times/opportunity/(P)/
きげんせつ (n) (historical) Empire Day/
きせつかんa sense of the seasons/
の節もものせっく(n) puppet festival (3 March)/(P)/
かんせつ (n) segment (of worm)/