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Kanji: Radical: (たけ) : チク; きず(く); construct
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3435 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2715
Japanese Reading English
ぞうちく(n) addition to a building/
しゅうちく (n) repair/renovation/restoration/
けんちくぶつ(n) a building/
けんちくきじゅんほう(n) the Building Standards Act/
かいちく (n) reconstruction/(P)/
を築くいしずえをきずく (exp) to lay the foundation (for)/
けんちくし(n) (authorized) architect and builder/
を築くつつみをきずく (exp) to build an embankment/
こうそうけんちくtall (high rise) building/
さいこうちく(n) reconstruction/
けんちくげんば (n) building (construction) site/
けんちく (n,vs) construction/architecture/(P)/
けんちくちゅう under construction/
けんちくぎょうしゃ a builder/
こうちくぶつ(n) structure/
たいかけんちくfireproof building/
を築くていぼうをきずく(exp) to construct an embankment/
じょうそうけんちく superstructure/upper stories/
けんちくか(n) architect/(P)/
を築くつかをきずく (exp) to pile up a mound/
けんちくがく(n) architecture/
けんちくぎょう(n) building (construction) industry/(being in) the building trade/
ほんけんちく (n) permanent construction/
けんちくめんせき building area/
もくぞうけんちくぶつ(n) wooden (timber) building/
こうそうげんちく tall (high rise) building/
しんちく (n) new building/new construction/(P)/
こうちく(n,vs) construction/
けんちくひbuilding expenses/construction costs/
ぼうかけんちく a fireproof building/
砦を築くとりでをきずく(exp) to construct a fort/