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Kanji: Radical: (こめ) : ベイ、マイ; こめ; rice, America
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3461 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3529
Japanese Reading English
しんべい(n) pro-American/
とべい (n) going to U.S.A./
けんべい (n) sending to America/
はいきゅうまいrationed rice/
なんきんまい (n) Chinese rice/foreign rice/
こうべいてき(adj-na) pro-American/
ほうべい (n) visit to America/
米のしんまいのくせにthough (one is) only a beginner/
かはいまいextra rice ration/
搗き米はんつきまい (n) half-polished rice/
ちょうりゅうまいlong grain rice/
じまい (n) locally produced rice/
こさくまい(n) rice paid as rent/
えいべい England and America
せいはくまい(n) polished rice/
あめりかがっしゅうこくthe United States of America/
たいべい (n) pertaining to the USA/
せまい (n) rice given in charity/donating rice/
なまごめ(n) uncooked rice/
ごとべい(n) small salary/
ざいにちべいぐん US Forces, Japan/
せんまい (n) washed rice/
おうへんまい(n) spoiled rice/
にっけいべいじん American of Japanese descent/
おうべいしょげんごthe languages of Europe and America/
にちべいきょうJapan United States Cultural Exchange Association/
げんまい (n) unpolished rice/unmilled rice/brown rice/(P)/
ほゆうまい (n) holdings/
たいべい (n) staying or residing in the United States/
せいまい(n) polished rice/
へいべい (n) square metre/
せいまいじょ(n) rice(-cleaning) mill/
びちくまいreserved rice/
しんまい(exp,n) new rice/novice/newbie/tyro/(P)/
饌米せんまい(n) offering of consecrated rice/
けんまいきrice polisher/
にちべいあんぜんほしょうじょうやく (n) U.S.-Japan Security Treaty/
ないちまい(n) homegrown rice/
くろごめ (n) unpolished rice/
こごめ (n) crushed rice/tiny pieces of rice/
はべい(vs) dispatching to the US/
屑米くずまい(n) rice fragments/
せいふまい(n) government-controlled rice/
あめりか (uk) America/
ぜんべい (n) all-America/pan-American/
げんまいちゃ(n) tea (with roasted rice)/
じょうのうまいrice-tax delivery/
はんまい (n) rice/
りゅうべい (n) cubic meter/
き米やきごめ (n) roasted or parched rice/
ほくべい North America/
貿にちべいぼうえきまさつ (n) Japan-U.S. trade friction/
がいまい (n) foreign rice/(P)/
こうべい pro-American/
ほくべいがっしゅうこくthe United States of America/
きょうまい (n) rice delivered to the government/
はやばまい (n) early rice/
韓米ざいかんべいぐんU.S. troops stationed in (South) Korean/
祿米ほうろくまい rice allowance/
じしゅりゅうつうまい(n) rice not subject to government controls/
おうべいEurope and America/the West/(P)/
こごめ (n) crushed rice/tiny pieces of rice/
ちゃくべいarriving in America/
おうべいじん(n) Europeans and Americans/Westerners/
ざいべいちゅうwhile resident in America/
にちべいこうぞうきょう ぎ(n) Structural Impediments Initiative talks/SII/
くまい(n) rice offered to a god/
きょうかまい(n) fortified rice/
えいべいほう(n) Anglo-American law/
しんまい new rice; a new hand
はくまい (n) (white) rice/(P)/
せつまい (n) conserving rice/
なんべい (n) South America/(P)/
きょうしゅつまい(n) (farmers') rice deliveries/
ざいにちべいりくぐんUS Army, Japan/
こんぺいとう(n) confetti/
ほくべいどじん American Indian/native American/
ざいべいほうじん Japanese living in America/(P)/
ねんぐまい(n) annual rice tax/
えいべいじん (n) Englishmen and Americans/
ざいべい (n,vs) being in the USA/
ちゅうなんべい(n) Central and South America/
じゅんまいしゅ(n) sake made without added alcohol or sugar/
くらまい(n) stored rice/
こまい (n) old rice/
貿にちべいぼうえき trade between Japan and USA/(P)/
みにおうべいなみにas in Europe and America/
じんぞうまい(n) imitation rice/
ふちまい(n) stipend in rice/
ちゅうべい(n) Central America/
ちゅうべい (n) be stationed or resident in the U.S.A./
おうべいしょこくthe various countries of Europe and America/
ひょうろうまい (n) army rice/
じょうまい (n) first-class rice/
はんべい (n) anti-American/