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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ; いと; thread
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3492 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2179
Japanese Reading English
綿もめんいと (n) cotton thread/
てぐす(n) silkworm gut/catgut/
れずいっしみだれず(exp) in perfect order/
じんぞうけんし rayon/
ふといと (n) low count yarn/thick thread/
けんしぼうせき silk spinning/
撚糸ねんし(n) twisted thread or yarn/twining of thread or yarn/
き糸ぬきいと(n) drawn thread/
り糸おりいと (n) strand/
ばっし (n) removal (extraction) of stitches/
あさいと(n) hemp yarn/linen thread/(P)/
しらいと (n) white thread/
けいと (n) knitting wool/(P)/
綿めんし (n) cotton yarn (thread)/
ぬきいと (n) woof (weaving)/
り糸ねりいと (n) glossy silk thread/
そうしきsilk reeling machine/
い糸ぬいいと (n) sewing thread/suture/
ぼうせきいと(n) spun yarn/
くさりいとchain of yarn/
綴じ糸 とじいと(n) binding or basting thread/
屑糸くずいと(n) waste thread/
ふしいと(n) knotted silk/
紮糸けっさつし ligature/
いろいと (n) colored thread/
さいし filament/
きんし (n) gold thread/
め糸そめいと (n) dyed thread or yarn/
げんし (n) thread for weaving/
いっし (n-adv,n) a string/
けんし (n) silk thread/(P)/
み糸くみいと (n) a braid/a braided thread or cord/
糸まとわぬいっしまとわぬstark naked/(P)/
ぎんし (n) silver thread/
ぼうし (n) spinning/spun cotton (wool)/
よこいと (n) woof/
すみいと (n) inked marking string/
みちいと (n) fishing line/
いっしいちごうtiny amount/
たていと(n) (weaving) warp/
ちゅういと medium-sized thread/
きぬいと (n) silk thread/(P)/
よこいと (n) woof (weaving)/
あまいと(n) flax yarn/
けんし(n) silk thread/(P)/
さんししけんじょsilk experiment station/
たていと (n) (weaving) warp/
からいと (n) China-made thread or yarn/
さんしぎょう(n) sericulture industry/
きんし (n) fungal filament/hypha(e)/
せいし (n) spinning/silk reeling/filature/
い糸ほそいいとfine thread/
糸瓜へちま(gikun) (n) (1) sponge gourd/dishcloth gourd/loofah/(2) sponge cucumber/
繍糸ししゅういとembroidery thread/
かし (n) (flower's) filament/
糸も纏わずいっしもまと わずstark-naked/without a stitch of clothing on/
い糸あかいいとa fatal bond
きいと(n) raw silk thread/(P)/
つりいと (n) fishing line/
り糸つりいと (n) fishing line/
きぬいと (n) silk thread/
綾糸あやいと(n) colored thread/thread of cat's cradle/heddle thread/
せいしぎょう the silk industry/
け糸しつけいと(n) tacking/basting (thread)/
綿を糸にめんをいとにつむぐ(exp) to spin cotton into yarn/
きんし gold thread, spun gold
さんし (n) silk thread/silk yarn/(P)/