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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ; ; era
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3497 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1276
Japanese Reading English
はくあき (n) Cretaceous Period/
きき the Kojiki and Nihonshoki/
いちしんきげん a new era/new age/
ジュラ紀ジュラき(adj-na,n) Jurassic Period/Jurassic/
だいさんき(n) the Tertiary period/
にじっせいき twentieth century/
紀のぜんせいきのいぶつextremely outmoded/
せきたんき(n) the Carboniferous Period/
しんせいきnew century/
とうき(n) party discipline/
らいせいきnext century/
しんきげん (n) new era or epoch/
いっせいきa century/
いっしんきげんa new era/new age/
こうき (n) school discipline/
かんき (n) rules which officials must follow/
西せいき(n) Christian era/
せいきまつ(n) end of a century/
さんじょうき(n) Triassic (geol.)/
こうきねんど numbering of years since Jimmu/
紀紊ふうきびんらんcorrupt public morals/
ふうき (n) public morals/(P)/
にほんしょき Nihon-shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan)/
ぐんき(n) military discipline/
せいき (n) century/era/(P)/
デボン紀デボンきDevonian period/(P)/
ほうき (n) age (of a young lady)/sweet seventeen/(P)/
はんせいき half century/
こうき (n) Imperial era/
こんせいき(n) this century/
こうき (ateji) (n) law and order/discipline/(P)/
ぜんせいき (n) last century/ancient times/
こうきしゅくせい eliminate corruption among government officials/tighten discipline (among)/
せんねんき (n) millennium/