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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ヤク; ; promise
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3499 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1280
Japanese Reading English
西きたたいせいようじょうやく(n) North Atlantic Treaty/
しんやく (n) New Testament/
けいやくきかん contract period/
なんみんじょうやく Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees/
せいやく(n) written vow/(P)/
さいだいこうやくすう(n) greatest common divisor/
とくやくてん(n) sole agent/chain store/
い約かたいやくそくsolemn promise/
しんやくせいしょ New Testament/
かつやくきん(adj-na,n) sphincter/
じょうやくかめいこく(n) signatory countries/members of a treaty/
あんぽじょうやくsecurity treaty (esp. US-Japan Security Treaty)/
めいやく(n) oath/pledge/pact/covenant/(P)/
きやくひょうげん irreducible representation (math)/
よやくしゅっぱん publication after securing subscriptions/
ろうどうきょうやくlabor agreement/
どうめいじょうやく treaty of alliance/
ふびょうどうじょうやくunequal treaty/
みつやく (n) secret agreement/
むしょうけいやく gratuitous contract/
みんやくせつsocial-contract theory/
しゅうやく (n) (1) intensive/(2) collect(ed)/summarize(d)/
きゅうしんやくぜんしょ Old and New Testaments/
ばいやく (n,vs) sales contract/
きやく(n) agreement/rules/code/
簿よやくめいぼ subscription list/
ごけいじょうやくa reciprocal treaty/
よやくせき(n) reserved seat/
ぜんやく (n) previous engagement/previous promise/
しゅじそせいきやくhead feature convention/HFC/
けいやく (n) contract/compact/agreement/(P)/
かいいんきやくmembership agreement (e.g. for a credit card)/
きやくぶんすうirreducible fraction/
にちべいあんぜんほ しょうじょうやく(n) U.S.-Japan Security Treaty/
こうやくすう (n) common divisor/
約のじょうやくのていけつ conclusion of treaty/(P)/
かくやく (n,vs) firm promise/definite promise/
へんむけいやく(n) a unilateral contract/
いやくきん(n) penalty for contract breach/
あんぜんほしょうじょ うやくUS-Japan Security Treaty/
いちりゅうしきやくone particle irreducible (physics)/
ゆうこうじょうやく treaty of friendship/
西きたたいせいようじょう やくきこう(n) NATO/North Atlantic Treaty Organization/
けいひせつやく(n) curtailment of expenditure/financial retrenchment/
かがくへいききんしじょうやくchemical weapons ban treaty/
せいやく (n) conclusion of a contract/
じょうやく (n) treaty/pact/(P)/
せいやくでんぱん constraint propagation/
よやくきんa deposit/
せいやく(n,vs) limitation/restriction/condition/constraints/(P)/
こくさいじょうやく (n) international treaty/
こようけいやく (n) contract of employment/
きゅうやくせいしょ Old Testament/(P)/
ふうふやくそく engagement/betrothal/marriage contract/
みんやくろん social-contract theory/
ほんけいやくformal contract/
せつやく (n,vs) economising/saving/(P)/
ちんたいしゃくけいやくrental agreement or contract/a lease/
けんやくかthrifty person/economist/
しゅくやく (n,vs) contraction (math)/
かりじょうやく(n) provisional treaty/
きょうやく (n) pact/convention/agreement/
きゅうせんじょうやく armistice treaty/
きゅうやくぜんしょ Old Testament/
ないやく (n) (marriage) engagement/secret treaty/tacit understanding/private contract/
かんやく(adj-na,n) conciseness/brevity/simplification/
だんたいきょうやくa collective agreement/
ふせんじょうやく anti-war treaty/
うんそうけいやく freight or carriage contract/
ばいばいけいやく(n) contract for (of) sale/
こんやく (n,vs) engagement/betrothal/(P)/
けいやくしゃ(n) party to a contract/
こうわじょうやく peace treaty/
ようやく (n,vs) summary/digest/(P)/
よやく (n,vs) reservation/contract/subscription/booking/pledge/advance order/(P)/
ようせんけいやく chartering ships/
ていやく (n) conclusion of a treaty/
かいやく (n) cancellation of contract/(P)/
せいやくじょうけん limiting conditions/
しゅうやくのうぎょう intensive farming/
とくやく (n) special contract/
せいやくしょwritten oath/covenant/
かりけいやくprovisional contract/
しげんせつやく conservation of resources/
こうやく (n) verbal promise/(P)/
けんやく (adj-na,n,vs) thrift/economy/frugality/(P)/
いやく(n) breach of contract/default/
ほけんけいやく insurance contract/
はいやく (n) a broken promise/breaking one's word/
ゆうしょうけいやくan onerous contract/contract made for a consideration/
きょうやくこく high contracting powers/signatories/
こうやく(n) public commitment or promise/(P)/
しまのせいやくisland constraint/
ふかしんじょうやくnon-aggression pact/non-aggression treaty/(P)/
つうしょうこうかいじょうやくtreaty of commerce and navigation/
きやく breaking a promise/
はやく (n,vs) breach of contract/breaking of word/(P)/
よやくご (n) reserved word/
たいへいようあんぜんほしょうじょうやく (n) the ANZUS Security Pact/
しんたくけいやく trust agreement/
へいわじょうやく peace treaty/
じょうやくこく a treaty power/
きやく (adj-na,n) irreducible/
くちやくそく(n) verbal promise/
しゅうやくてき(adj-na) intensive/
なんきょくじょうやく (n) Antarctic Treaty/
よやくがかり(n) reservation desk (of an airline)/
きゅうやく (n) Old Testament/old promise/the old covenant/(P)/
よびきょうやくpreliminary agreement/
ばんこくちょさくけんじょうやくUniversal Copyright Convention/
そうむけいやく bilateral agreement/
けいやくしょ(n) (written) contract/
よやくせい(n) on) a subscription basis/
せんやく (n) previous engagement/prior contract/
せきじゅうじじょうや く(n) Red Cross Convention/
こんやくゆびわ engagement ring/
きょうやくしょwritten agreement/
もくやく (n) tacit agreement/default/
きゅうしんやくせいしょOld and New Testaments/
せんりゃくへいきさく げんじょうやくStrategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)/
きんしじょうやくban (treaty)/
からやくそく empty promise/
の約にせのやくそく marriage vows/
けいやくきん(n) down payment/contract money/
しゅうこうじょうやく amity treaty/
かいようとうききせい じょうやくConvention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters/
ちしきしゅうやくがたさんぎょうa knowledge-intensive industry/