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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ノウ、ナン、ナ、トウ; おさ(める)、おさ(まる); pay
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3508 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1300
Japanese Reading English
ゆいのう(n,vs) engagement gift/(ceremonious) exchange of engagement gifts/
よていのうぜいprepayment of income taxes/
きのうてき(adj-na,n) inductive/recursive/
に納めるもとのところにおさめる(exp) to put (a thing) back in its place/
に納めるそうこにおさめる(v1) to store in a warehouse/
けんのうひんdonation/contribution/an offering/
だいなごん(n) chief councillor of state/
シンクロ納シンクロのうにゅうsynchronous supply/
を納めるげっしゃをおさめる(exp) to pay a school fee/
納めみおさめ (n) last (farewell) look/
しゅうのうかかりreceiving teller/
きんのう (n) cash payment/
かくのうこ(n) (aircraft) hangar/
ゆいのうきん(n) betrothal money/
ぜんのう (n) full payment/
たいのうしゃnon-payer/one who doesn't pay one's bills/
き納めききおさめ (n) hear something for the last time/
みのうしゃ(n) person in arrears/(tax) defaulter/
簿すいとうぼ(n) cashbook/
じょうのうきん (n) money paid to the government/
しょうのう (n) humble term used to refer to another's acceptance of one's present/
かりのうぜい tax payment under protest/
かんのう (n) full payment or delivery/
みのう (n) payment default/(P)/
い納めるまいおさめる (v1) to conclude a dance/to dance the last dance/
すいとうがかり cashier/teller/
きのうほう(n) induction/inductive method/
を納めるぜいをおさめる (exp) to pay a tax/
きのう (n) inductive/
が納まったしなものがおさまったcommodities have been delivered/
へんのう (n,vs) returning (to the authorities)/restoring/
ほうのうがく votive tablet/
よのう (n) advance payment/
あまなっとう(n) sugared red beans/
を納めるしなものをおさめる(exp) to deliver goods/
かいのう (n) full payment of a tax/
納めしおさめ (n) finishing up/
じょうのうまいrice-tax delivery/
しゅうのうがくamount received/
に納まったこっこにおさまったかねmoney paid to the (National) Treasury/
ふのう (n) non-payment/default/
ついのう (n) (making an) additional payment/
納めしおさめ(n) finishing up/
ほうのうずもう ritual sumo matches held at a shrine/
しんこくのうぜいself-assessed tax payment/
ほうのうぶつvotive offering/
嘉 納かのう(n,vs) accepting with pleasure/
たがくのうぜいしゃ (n) top taxpayer/
たいのうしょぶん disposition for failure to pay/
すいとうがかり(n) cashier/treasurer/teller/
に納まるがくちょうにおさまる(exp) to take one's position as rector/
そくのう (n) prompt payment or delivery/
えんのう (n) deferred payment/
ほうのう (n) dedication/offering/presentation/oblation/(P)/
に納めるかんにおさめる (exp) to lay in a coffin/
しゅうのう (n,vs) crop/harvest/receipts/putting or stowing away/
便りょうきんべつのうゆうびんpostpaid mail/
かくのう(n,vs) storage/housing for equipment and machines/putting into computer memory/
ぜんのう (n) prepayment/advance payment/
たいのう (n) non-payment/default/(P)/
ぶんのう(n) installment payment or delivery/
すいとう (n) receipts and expenditure (disbursements)/(P)/
じょうのう(n) payment to the government/
けんのう (n) offering/presentation/donation/
すうがくてききのうほう(n) mathematical induction/
べつのう (n) another method of payment/
納めごようおさめ(n) year-end office closing/
ぶつのう (n) payment in kind/
納めごようおさめ(n) year-end office closing/
かのう deposit/
じゅのう (n,vs) acceptance/receiving/
だいのう (n) payment for another/
ぶつのうぜいa tax in kind/