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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : フン; まぎ(れる)、まぎ(らす)、まぎ(らわす)、まぎ(らわしい); confused
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3506 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1296
Japanese Reading English
い紛らすいいまぎらす(v5s) to equivocate/
じんこうじゅふん artificial fertilization (of plants)/
がくえんふんそう(n) campus dispute/campus strife/
紛れきまぐれ (adj-na,n) whim/caprice/whimsy/fickle/moody/uneven temper/
紛紛しょせつふんぷん(adj-na) divergent opinions abound/opinion is divided/
ち紛れはらだちまぎれ (adj-na) fit of anger/
闇に紛れてやみにまぎれてunder cover of night/
使ろうしふんそう (n) industrial (labor-management) dispute/industrial strife/
ないふん(n) domestic or internal discord/internal strife/internal struggle/storm in a teacup/
ちいきふんそう regional conflict/
し紛れくるしまぎれ (adj-na,n) in desperation/
ば紛れでなかばまぐれで half due to luck/
だいがくふんそう campus strife/
こくさいふんそう (n) international dispute/
り紛れるとりまぎれる (v1) to be in confusion/to be busy/
に紛らすじょうだんにま ぎらす(exp) to turn it off as a joke/
ちゅうえつふんそう dispute between China and Vietnam/
が紛れるきがまぎれる (exp) to be diverted (distracted) from/
し紛れくやしまぎれ(adj-na,n) out of spite/
しみを紛らすかなしみを まぎらす(exp) to divert one's mind from sorrow/
紛々しょせつふんぷん (adj-na) divergent opinions abound/opinion is divided/