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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : コウ; しぼ(る)、しぼ(り)、し(める)、し(まる); strangle
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3535 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1349
Japanese Reading English
り絞るふりしぼる(v5r) to strain one's voice/
を絞るちえをしぼる(v5) to rack one's brain/
巾を絞るぞうきんをしぼ る(exp) to wring a floorcloth/
を絞るあぶらをしぼる (exp,v5) (1) to chew out/to reprimand severely/to rake over the coals/to give a sound scolding/(2) to press oil/
い絞めはがいじめ (n,vs) pinioning/binding arms behind back/
を絞るふくろのくちをし ぼる(exp) to close a bag tight by pulling the drawstring/
だけに絞るぎろんをよう てんだけにしぼる(exp) to narrow an argument down/
噌を絞るのうみそをしぼ る(v5) to rack one's brains/
絞りまめしぼり (n) spotted pattern/
き絞るひきしぼる (v5r) to draw bow to limit/to draw aside curt/
を絞るえきをしぼる(exp) to squeeze the juice (from)/
お絞りおしぼり(n) wet towel (supplied at table)/(P)/
が絞まるくびがしまる (exp) to have one's neck wrung/
絞りおしぼり (n) a hot, moistened hand towel/
を絞めるくびをしめる (exp) to wring the neck/to strangle/