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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ゼツ; た(つ)、た(える)、た(やす); interrupt
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3539 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1353
Japanese Reading English
に絶えるしにたえる(v1) to die out/to become extinct/
めんかいしゃぜつ No Visitors/
を絶やすさけをたやす (exp) to run out of wine/
かくぜつ (n,vs) isolation/separation/
ほうふくぜっとう (n) very funny/laugh oneself into convulsions/split one's sides laughing/
を絶つれんらくをたつ(exp) to sever the connection/
ぎぜつ (n) disownment/
ほうふくぜっとう (n) very funny/laugh oneself into convulsions/split one's sides laughing/
杜 絶とぜつ(n) stoppage/interruption/cessation/suspension/
かんぜつ (n,vs) unique/unsurpassed/ranking foremost/
を絶つあとをたつ(exp) to wipe out/to put an end to/
きょぜつはんのう rejection/
きぜつ (n,vs) faint/swoon/(P)/
とぜつ (n) stoppage/interruption/cessation/suspension/
たくぜつ (n) excellence/
を絶つかこんをたつ(exp) to strike at the root of an evil/
くうぜんぜつご (n) (so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first and probably the last/
しゃぜつ(n) refusal/
ちょうぜつ(n,vs) transcendence/excellence/superiority/
だんぜつ(n,vs) become extinct/cease to exist/break off/(P)/
ちゅうぜつ(n,vs) interruption/abortion/discontinuance/suspension/abeyance/(P)/
こんぜつ (n) eradication/(P)/
きょぜつ (n,vs) refusal/rejection/(P)/
悶絶もんぜつ(n) fainting in agony/
絶やしねだやし (n) eradication/extermination/
ふうこうぜっか scenic beauty/(P)/
絶えるとだえる (v1) to stop/to cease/to come to an end/(P)/
を絶たないあとをたたない(there) be no end to/
ほうふくぜっとう (n) very funny/laugh oneself into convulsions/split one's sides laughing/
だんがいぜっぺき (n) precipitous cliff/sheer precipice/
鼠を絶やすねずみをたやす(exp) to exterminate rats/
けんぜつ(n) great difference/
かいぜつ (adj-na,n) splendid/
そうぜつ (adj-na,n) grand/heroic/sublime/
悽絶せいぜつ(adj-na,n) extremely weird/gruesome/lurid/ghastly/
凄絶せいぜつ(adj-na,n) extremely/violently/
はいぜつ(n,vs) extinction/abolition/(P)/
にんしんちゅうぜつ abortion/pregnancy termination/(P)/