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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ケイ; つ(ぐ); succeed
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3545 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1360
Japanese Reading English
そくばくけいしょうげんりbinding inheritance principle/BIP/
貿ちゅうけいぼうえき transit trade/
け継ぐうけつぐ (v5g) to inherit/to succeed/to take over/(P)/
しょうけい(n) succession/accession/inheritance/
ちゅうけいきょく(n) a relay station/
継ぎやつぎばや(adj-na,adj-no,n) rapid succession (e.g. questions)/
ちゅうけい(iK) (radio) relay/hook-up/
ちゅうけいほうそう relay broadcasting/
き継ぐひきつぐ (v5g) to take over/to hand over/(P)/
き継ぎひきつぎ(n) inheriting/(P)/
り継ぎきりつぎ (n,vs) cutting and patching/
うちゅうちゅうけい satellite relay/
なまちゅうけい(n) (on TV) "live" broadcast/
こうけいしゃ(n) successor/
を継ぐことばをつぐ (exp) to continue (to say)/
き継ぎじむひきつぎ taking over an office/
い継ぐいいつぐ (v5g) to transmit by word of mouth/
使しとけいしょうapostolic succession/
継ぎひきつぎ (n) inheriting/(P)/
継ぎひとえつぎsheep bend (knot)/
継ぐひきつぐ (v5g) to take over/to hand over/(P)/
継ぎよつぎ(n) heir/successor/
継ぎあとつぎ (n) heir/successor/(P)/
えいせいちゅうけい satellite transmission/
継ぎ貿なかつぎぼうえき (1) transit trade/(2) middle relief pitching (baseball)/
継ぎいきつぎ(n) a breather/a breathing spell/
げんばちゅうけい on-the-spot broadcast/
り継ぐかたりつぐ (v5g) to transmit/to hand down/
ぜんこくちゅうけい nation-wide hookup/
り継ぐのりつぐ (v5g) to change/
やつぎばや(adj-na,adj-no,n) rapid succession (e.g. questions)/
を継ぐいえをつぐ(exp) to succeed to a house/
こうけい (n) successor/(P)/
継ぎなかつぎ (n,vs) intermediary/agency/brokerage/(electric) relay/(P)/
ぶたいちゅうけいtelevised broadcast of a stage performance/
ちゅうけい (n) relay/hook-up/(P)/
ちゅうけいじょrelay station/