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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : エン; ふち; relation
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3585 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1386
Japanese Reading English
ぜつえんたい (n) insulator/
ぞくえん (n) worldly connection/
きんぶち (n) gilded edges or rims/
ぎゃくえん (n) (Buddhism) bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good Buddhist/older person conducting a funeral service for a younger relative, in particular, a parent for a child/
ひろえん(n) broad or spacious veranda/eaves/
ようしえんぐみ adoption (of an heir)/
きんえん (n) close relation (association)/
けちえん (n) making a connection (with Buddha)/
がくぶち(n) picture frame/(P)/
きゅうえん (n) old relationship/old acquaintance/
るいえん(n) affinity/family relationship/
きゅうえん (n) courtship/
せんとうじんちのぜん えんforward edge of the battle area/
ふなべり (n) side of a boat/
けつえん (n) blood relative or relationship/(P)/
ぜつえんせん (adj-na) insulated wire/
ふくえん (n) reconciliation with one's spouse/
あいえんきえん (n) a couple strangely but happily united/
むえん(adj-na,n) unrelatedness/unidentified/(P)/
縁のないえんのつまcommon-law wife/
いんねん (n) fate/connection/origin/pretext/(P)/
むえんぼとけ (n) deceased person (with no one to tend the grave)/
かわぶち(n) riverside/
りえんじょう (n) letter of divorce/
ふえん (n) divorce/unrealized marriage (prospects)/
しんるいえんじゃ(n) one's relatives by blood and marriage (in blood and law)/one's kith and kin/
くろぶち(n) black rim/black edge/
ぎんぶち (n) silver-rimmed/
ようしえんぐみ adoption/
うすべり (n) thin, bordered mat/
ちえん (n) territorial relationship/regional bond/
の縁ぼんのふちedge of a tray/
さいえん (n) second marriage/
きんえんぞくrelated genera/associated species/
きえん (n) strange coincidence/
れ縁くされえん (n) (undesirable but) inseparable relationship/
の縁たしょうのえん (n) karma from a previous existence/
ぶつえん(n) Buddha's providence/
りょうえん (n) good match/
濡れ縁ぬれえん(n) open verandah/
りえん (n,vs) divorce/dissolution of adoption/
たけえん(n) veranda with bamboo flooring/
ぜつえんていこう insulation resistance/
うえん right margin/
しゅうえん (n) fringe/rim/
あくいんねんevil destiny/
ないえん(n) common-law marriage/
じゅうえん (n) double marriage (in the same family)/intermarriage/
とおえん(n) distant relative/
がいえん (adj-na,n) brink/outer edge/
の縁をふうふのえんをむすぶ (exp) to get married/
まぶち (n) eyelid/
きえん (n) opportunity/chance/
あくえん (n,adj-no) evil destiny or connection/unfortunate love/
な縁ふしぎなえんby happy chance/
ゆえん (n) acquaintance/relation/affinity/reason/
宿しゅくえん (n) destiny/fate/karma/
ぜつえん (n,vs) isolation/insulation/(P)/