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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : セキ; ;
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 17 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3602 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1412
Japanese Reading English
ぼうせき(n) spinning/(P)/
こうぎょうせいせき (n) box-office record/
けんしぼうせき silk spinning/
がくせき (n) school record/achievement/
ぎょうせきあっか downturn/
いせき (n) glorious achievements/
ちせき (n) (legacy of an) administration/
ぼうせきいと(n) spun yarn/
じっせき(n) achievements/actual results/(P)/
こうせき (n) achievements/merit/meritorious service/meritorious deed/(P)/
ふせいせき (adj-na,n) poor result/bad record/failure/
きんむじっせきservice record/
せいせきしょうめいしょ(n) transcript of results/
せんせき (n) war or military record/score/military achievements/results/
績をげるよいせいせきをあげる(exp) to achieve satisfactory results/
せいせき (n) results/record/(P)/
ぼうせきこうa spinner/spinning mill employee/
がくぎょうせいせき (n) school record/scholastic performance/
せいせきひょう (n) report card/result sheet/(P)/
じせき (n) achievement/exploit/merits/
たいせんせいせき (n) win-loss records (between A and B)/
かしいかがやかしいぎょうせ きbright future/brilliant achievements/
こうせいせき (n) good results/
ぎょうせき (n) achievement/performance/results/work/contribution/(P)/
ぼうせきこうじょう spinning mill/cotton mill/(P)/
れたすぐれたぎょうせきoutstanding achievement/