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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ソウ; く(る); reel
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 19 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3619 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1427
Japanese Reading English
繰るちちくる(v5r) to have secret or illicit sexual relations/
り繰りやりくり(n) making do with/managing/getting by/
繰りてぐり (n) (1) reeling in (thread, etc.)/(2) transport by passing from hand to hand/
臍繰りへそくりがね(n) secret savings/
繰りいとくり (n) reel/spinner/
爪繰るつまぐる(v5r) to finger/to roll between the thumb and the fingers/
を繰るじしょをくる (exp) to consult a dictionary/
繰るひったくる(v5) to snatch (steal) from/
を繰るあまどをくる(exp) to roll open the shutters/
し繰るさしくる (v5r) to arrange/to manage/
やり繰りやりくり(n,vs) (uk) making do/getting by (somehow)/(P)/
っ繰りひっくりかえす (v5s) to turn over/to overturn/to knock over/to upset/to turn inside out/
繰りじゅんぐり(n) in turn/order/
綿繰りわたくり (n) cotton ginning/
え繰りにえくりかえる(v5r) to boil/to seethe/
っ繰りひっくりかえる(v5r) to be overturned/to be upset/to topple over/to be reversed/(P)/
を繰るゆびでひをくる (exp) to count the days on one's fingers/
繰りからくり(n) mechanism/trick/device/dodge/
繰りひったくり(uk) purse snatching/purse snatcher/
繰りちちくりあう(v5u) to flirt with one another/to caress amorously/
繰るかんぐる(v5r) to be suspicious of/
臍繰りへそくり(n) secret savings/
掻い繰るかいぐる(v5) to haul in hand over hand/
繰りたぐり (n) (1) reeling in (thread, etc.)/(2) transport by passing from hand to hand/
繰るたぐる(v5r) to pull in (rope)/
繰りたぐりこむ(v5m) to reel in/
り繰りやりくりさんだん (n) managing to get by/
繰りしきんぐり(n) fundraising/financing/
繰りかねぐり (n) financing/raising funds/