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Kanji: Radical: (あみがしら) : ; お(く); place
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3644 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2608
Japanese Reading English
じょうちいいんかい standing committee/
しおき (n) execution/punishment/
たんまつそうち terminal equipment/
い置きかいおき (n) a stock (of goods)/
さいはいち(n) rearrangement/reallocation/realignment/
ぶたいそうち stage setting/
ほじょきおくそうち auxiliary storage/
置きしたいおきば morgue/
ぼうおんそうち soundproofing (device)/
を置くいいんかいをおく (exp) to form a committee/
よびそうち reserve equipment/backup unit/spare/
りゅうち(n) detainment/imprisonment/poundage/
ざんていそち (n) temporary step/stopgap measure/
置きじてんしゃおきば place for storing bicycles/
へいち (n) juxtaposition/placing side by side/
ほうふくそちreprisals/retaliatory measures/(P)/
に置くわきにおく (exp) to lay aside/
置きかみおき ceremony for child growing hair long/
きおくそうちstorage (device)/memory/
置きいちにちおき(n-t) every other day/(P)/
置きすえおき (n) deferment (e.g. of savings)/leaving (a thing) as it stands/
ぜったいいちabsolute (as opposed to relative) position/
はいはんちけん (n) abolition of clans and establishment of prefectures/(P)/
め置くとめおく(v5k) to detain/to keep/to lock up/to retain/to leave (letter) till called for/
き置きかきおき(n) note (letter) left behind/(a) will/
え置きすえおきちょきん deferred savings/
そくていそうち (n) measuring device/
けるいちずける(v1) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate/
に置くきょてんにおく (v5) to be based in (a place)/
じっけんそうち (n) experimental device/experimental equipment/
つ置きふたつおきevery third/
りくじょうたんきょくそうちland terminal equipment (of a submarine cable)/
あんしそうち(n) night vision device/
に置くねんとうにおく(exp) to give thought to/to bear in mind/to keep in mind/
ていいち home position/origin/
置きにじゅっぷんおきにうんてん(vs) operating on a ten-minute schedule/
しゅうはすうへんかんそうちfrequency converter/
置いていっけのいてとなり next door but one/
きあつはいち pressure pattern/
つ置きにひとつおきに alternately/
ぜんち (n) preface/introduction/
置きしおき (n) execution/punishment/
ていちぎょぎょう fixed-net fishing/
でんきそうち (n) electrical device/electrical equipment/
いて置くいちおうきいておくto hear someone out anyway/
ひこうきろくそうち flight recorder/
を置いてあいだをおいて intermittently/at intervals (of)/
しゅごじょどうしとうちsubject-auxiliary inversion/
こうち (n) detention/confinement/arrest/(P)/
へいち(n) juxtaposition/placing side by side/
ぜんちし(n) preposition/
じどうそうじゅうそう ちautopilot/
いち (n,vs) place/situation/position/location/(P)/
箸置 きはしおき(n) chopstick rest/
を置くさんをおく(exp) to calculate/to divine/
置揃えいちそろえ (vs) justification/
てて置くすてておく (v5k) to leave something as it is/
え置きすえおき (n) deferment (e.g. of savings)/leaving (a thing) as it stands/(P)/
てんちぎょうれつtransverse matrix (math)/
きばくそうち detonator/
こういちargument positions/
じゅしんそうち (n) receiver/receiving set/receiving apparatus (equipment)/
たいち(n,vs) opposing (a thing) to (another)/
けるいちづける(v1) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate/
あんぜんそうちsafety device/
め置きとめおき(n) detention/
しょち(n,vs) treatment/(P)/
そんち (n,vs) maintain/retain/continue/
え置きすえおききかん period of deferment/
し置くさしおく (v5k) to leave as is/to let alone/to disregard/
そうち(n,vs) equipment/installation/apparatus/(P)/
せいぎょそうちcontroller/control unit/
げんそくそうち reduction gear/
って置くほうっておく to leave alone/to neglect/
つ置きひとつおき (n) alternate/every other one/
調べて置くしらべておく to examine beforehand/
置きまえおき(n) preface/introduction/(P)/
じどうれっしゃせい ぎょそうちautomatic train control (ATC)/
い置くいいおく(v5k) to leave word/to leave a message/
って置きとっておき(n) valued/the best/object set aside or held in reserve/
にして置くにしておく(uk) maintain status-quo/
置きものおき(n) storeroom/
しょうおんそうち(gun) silencer/
いちづけ(n) placement/fixed position/
もじよみとりそうち character reader/
ふち (n,vs) arrangement/grouping/
そち (n) measure/step/(P)/
て置くすておく (v5k) to leave as is/to ignore/
そうじゅうせきおんせいきろくそうち (cockpit) voice recorder/
じょうち (adj-no,n) permanent/standing/
じてんしゃおきばplace for storing bicycles/
がぞうしょりそうち image processing equip./
さいせいそうち (n) playback equipment/
ていち low (toilet tank)/
鹸置きせっけんおき soap dish or box/
置をえるいちをかえる(exp) to change the position of/
つうしんそうち (n) communications equipment/
き置くききおく(v5k) to listen/
置くいちもくおく(v5) to take off one's hat to a person/to acknowledge anothers superiority/to give a piece or stone/
え置くすえおく (v5k) to leave as it is/to defer/(P)/
やかなおだやかなしょち reasonable step/moderate measure/
を置くふでをおく (exp) to stop writing/to put down one's pen/to close (a letter)/
って置くせきをとってお く(exp) to book (take) a seat/
ていち (n) fixed/
しおきば(n) execution ground/
そうちせいぎょ device control character (e.g. DC1)/
かんきそうちventilator/ventilating device/
いちつけ (n) placement/fixed position/
りゅうちじょう(n) police cell/place of detention/
しじそうち pointing device/
宿を置くげしゅくにんをお く(exp) to keep boarders/
扠置くさておく(v5k) (uk) to set aside/
ぞうち (n,vs) establishment of more (offices)/
とくべつそち(n) special measure(s)/
汲み置きくみおき(n) drawn water/
こうちしょ(n) prison/detention house/(P)/
せっち (n) establishment/institution/(P)/
だいち (n,vs) replace/
こうち (n) back-end/
哨を置くほしょうをおく (exp) to post a sentinel/
よさんそち budgetary provision/
じどうれっしゃていし そうちautomatic train stop (ATS)/
きんきゅうそち (n,vs) emergency measures/urgent countermeasures/
はいちてんかん(n,vs) reshuffling/job-rotation/
ちゅうおうしょりそう ちcentral processing unit/
ものおき (n) storage room/(P)/
ていちあみ(n) fixed net/
かんちそうち(n) smoke or heat sensor or detector/
しきいち(n) threshold/
じょうかそうち(n) purifier/
はいち(n) arrangement (of resources)/disposition/(P)/
ほうち(n,vs) leave as is/leave to chance/leave alone/neglect/(P)/
置きこころおきなく (adv) freely/without reserve/
とうちほう(n) inversion of the word order in a sentence/
を置いてまをおいてafter a pause/
とうち(n,vs) turning upside down/placing nonessentials before essentials/(P)/
あんち(n,vs) enshrinement/installation (of image)/
じげんそうちtiming device/
せいめいいじそうち(n) life-support system/
かくせいそうち loud speaker equipment/
に置けないすみにおけな いbe witty and knowing/
れいぼうそうち air-conditioning/air-cooling apparatus/
にゅうりょくそうちinput unit/input device/
を置いたしもをおいた gray/frosted/hoary/
わせいちあわせ(vs) alignment/justification/
便とめおきゆうびん mail held at the post office/
くどうそうち (n) running gear/
しゅつりょくそうち output unit/output device/
置づけるいちづける (v1) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate/