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Kanji: Radical: (あみがしら) : ; ; silk gauze
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 19 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3654 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2622
Japanese Reading English
陀羅だらに(n) dharani/spell/litany/Sanskrit multi-syllabic chant/
綺羅きらぼし(n) glittering stars/
しんらばんしょう (n) all things in nature/the whole creation/
しゅらじょう (n) fighting scene/scene of carnage (bloodshed)/
かるらGaruda (man-bird deity of Hindu-Buddhist myth)/
阿羅あらかん(n) Arhat/Buddhist monk who has attained Nirvana/
羅巴ようろっぱ(uk) Europe/
いっちょうら (n) one's (only) good suit (or kimono)/
沙羅さらそうじゅ (n) sal tree/
しゅらば(n) fighting scene/scene of carnage (bloodshed)/
阿呆陀羅あほだらきょう(n) mock Buddhist sutra/
綺羅きら(n) fine clothes/
もうら (n,vs) comprising/including/covering/encompassing/comprehending/(P)/
たら Tara/The Deliverer, the Saviouress (Buddhist deity)/
曼陀羅まんだら(n) mandala/Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind/
娑羅さらそうじゅ (n) sal tree/
ばらもん(n) Brahman/
綺羅びやか きらびやか(adj-na) gorgeous/gaudy/dazzling/gay/
こうらぼし (n) basking in the sun/sunbathing on a beach/
まら(n) obstacle to Buddhist practice/penis/
毘羅こんぴら (n) guardian deity of seafaring/Kumbhira/
雀羅じゃくら(n) sparrow net/
あしゅら(n) Asura (fighting demon)/
倶梨伽羅くりからもんもん (n) tattoo/
麩羅てんぷら (n) Japanese fritter/
まら (n) obstacle to Buddhist practice/penis/
綾羅りょうら(n) elaborated cloth/figured silk and thin silk/
曼荼羅 まんだら(n) mandala/Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind/
しゅら (n) fighting/scene of carnage/
羅蜜はらみつ (n) paaramitaa/entrance into Nirvana/
しらぎancient Korean kingdom/
しゅらどうscene of carnage/
羅の巷しゅらのちまた scene of carnage/
こうら (n) shell/carapace/
てんぷらdeep-fried fish and vegetables/tempura/
伽羅きゃら(n) aloes wood/aloes-wood perfume/
いっちょうら(n) one's (only) good suit (or kimono)/(P)/
がむしゃら (adj-na,n) reckless/daredevil/