追い羽根 | おいばね
| (n) battledore and shuttlecock game (played at
the beginning of the year)/ |
白羽 | しらは | (n) white feather/(P)/ |
毛羽 | けば
| (n) fluff/fuzz/ |
絵羽羽織り | えばばおり | figured haori (coat)/ |
赤い羽根 | あかいはね | (n) red feather/ |
切り羽 | きりは
| (n) (1) coal face/face of a wall of coal or
ore, etc./(2) working face/ |
紋羽二重 | もんはぶたえ | (n) crest-decorated habutae/ |
手羽先 | てばさき | (n) (tip section of) chicken wing/ |
千羽鶴 | せんばづる
| (n) (string of) 1000 paper cranes/ |
風切り羽 | かざきりばね | (n) flight feathers/ |
天の羽衣 | あまのはごろも | angel's feathered robe/ |
濡れ羽色 | ぬればいろ | (n) jet black/ |
矢羽 | やばね | (n) arrow feathers/ |
烏羽玉 | うばたま | (adj-no,n) jet black/pitch dark/ |
矢羽根 | やばね | (n) arrow feathers/ |
切羽詰まって | せっぱつまって | under the pressure of necessity/ |
烏の濡れ羽色 | からすのぬればいろ | glossy black (hair)/ |
切羽 | きりは
| (n) (1) coal face/face of a wall of coal or
ore, etc./(2) working face/ |
合羽 | かっぱ | (n) pluvial/raincoat/ |
雨合羽 | あまがっぱ | (n) raincoat/oilcoat/ |
腰羽目 | こしばめ | (n) waist-high wainscoting/ |
毛羽立つ | けばだつ | (v5t) to become fluffy/ |
―羽 | ―わ | [Counter for birds] |
一羽 | いちわ
| one (bird)/ |
鳩羽色 | はとばいろ | (n) blue-black (color)/ |
烏羽色 | からすばいろ | (n) glossy black/ |
音羽屋 | おとわや | Otowaya (stage name of a kabuki family)/ |
切羽詰まる | せっぱつまる | (v5r) to be at one's wit's end/to be
cornered/ |
尾羽 | おは | (n) tail and wings/tail feathers/ |
揚羽蝶 | あげはちょう
| (n) swallowtail butterfly/ |
赤立羽蝶 | あかたてはちょう | (n) red admiral (butterfly)/ |
手羽 | てば
| (n) chicken wing/ |
三羽烏 | さんばがらす
| (n) trio/triumvirate/three famous
retainers/ |
後鳥羽院 | ごとばいん | ex-Emperor Gotoba/ |
夏羽織 | なつばおり | (n) summer haori (coat)/ |
陣羽織 | じんばおり | (n) battle surcoat/ |